Based on input-output data, state space models are directly identified by the SMI methods combined with the system theory, linear algebra and statistics. 這類方法綜合了系統理論,線性代數和統計學三方面的思想,其特點是直接由輸入輸出數據辨識系統的狀態空間模型,因而非常適合多變數系統辨識。
The cows wear collars around their necks that identify them to the system. 在奶牛的脖子上戴上頸圈是為了方便系統識別他們。
Attempts to train the immune system to recognise and attack cancers have so far failed. 訓練免疫系統識別並攻擊腫瘤的嘗試迄今為止是失敗的。