- Rice flour makes the cake less likely to crumble. 這種糕餅用米粉做不那麼容易碎。
- Add water gradually into glutinous rice flour. 把清水慢慢加入糯米粉中。
- Optional staple foog:Rice、Flour ltaly、Mainz. 可選主食:白飯、意粉、茨條。
- Cakes made from rice flour are a perfect teatime treat. 2. 圖1:吃台閩式糯米糕,宜佐清茶。
- The xylitol as a sweet substituted for sucrose in the cake.So, this new product, the sweetened rice cake without ... 使用木糖醇作甜味劑,無糖香糕新產品是糖尿病人較理想的保健食品。
- Itused to be made of millet flour, but now the material ismainly rice flour. 豆面糕原來以黃米面為其主要原料,現在大多改用江米面。
- Dust the mooncake mould (50-63 grams) and tap to remove excess rice flour. 灑些熟糯米粉在月餅模子內(大小50-63克),拍出多餘的粉。
- Everyone in our village cooks rice flour mash when Spring Festival approaches. 每到過年的時候, 我們村家家戶戶都要蒸粉團。
- The retrogradation characteristics of rice flour and starch system were studied by DSC and Dynamic Rheometry. 利用差示掃描量熱儀和動態流變儀對米粉和米澱粉體系的回生特性進行了研究.
- Yuanxiao, round balls made of glutinous rice flour stuffed with sugar fillings, symbolize reunion. 元宵以糯米粉為皮,內裹糖餡,圓形,是「團圓」的象徵。
- On this day, people eat yuanxiao, dumplings made of glutinous rice flour with sweet stuffings. 在這一天,人們要吃元宵。它外面是糯米,裡面包有甜的餡。
- The effects on the physicochemical properties of rice flour by soaking fermentation were studied by Dynamic Rheometry and DSC. 利用動態流變儀和差示掃描量熱儀等手段探討了浸泡發酵對米粉體系理化特性的影響。
- Basically, they are balls made from glutinous rice flour, stuffed with any number of things and cooked in a soup. 基本上,元宵是由糯米包各種餡,然後放在湯裡面煮成的。
- Special Recommendation: straw duck of rural flavour, Jianggang steamed pork slices with glutinous rice flour. 特色推薦:鄉情稻草鴨、井岡米粉肉。
- Fry rice flour with Szechwan peppercorn, five spice powder, salt and chicken powder until fragrant. 粘米粉放白鑊內炒熱,加入川椒粉、五香粉、鹽及雞粉炒透。
- A genetic study on amylographic viscosity measurements of milled rice flour by means of diallel graph was conducted. 本研究利用全互交遺傳圖析進行白米澱粉糊黏度測定值之遺傳分析。
- Solubility and amino acid composition of rice proteins from rice flour and rice dreg were analyzed. 為探討熱變性米蛋白的性質與結構關係,分析了大米蛋白加熱前後的溶解性能和氨基酸組成變化。
- Yuanxiao is a kind of sweet dumpling, which is made with sticky rice flour filled with sweet stuffing. 元宵這種食物實際上是甜餡「餃子」的一種,用粘糯米和甜的餡料製成。
- Sweet dumplings are made of rice flour with sugar fillings,and are round in shape. 湯圓是由碾碎的大米粉,內包糖餡子而做成,形狀是圓的。
- Grease 6 muffin cups and set aside. Sieve together the rice flour and baking powder. Repeat twice. 準備6個麥芬烤模,抹油備用。把粘米粉和烤粉混合,過篩3次。