- Preliminary Results of Cuttage Experiment on Hardwood of Sweet Scented Osmanthus 桂花硬枝扦插試驗初報
- Autumn brings with it the sweet scent of osmanthus flowers along with chrysanthemums in fullbloom. 秋天桂枝飄香,菊花鬥豔;
- Sweet scent fills the soul when I think of you. 想到你的時候心靈充滿甜香。
- What a sweet scent the jasmine flowers give off! 茉莉花好香!
- A sweet scent of the orchid is wafted in the air. 留下的花待明年重生,離開的花隨水流向未知的世界。」
- The sweet scent of vanilla had met us as she opened the door. 她打開門,香草的芳香迎面撲來。
- Katherine could smell the high sweet scent of marijuana. 凱瑟琳可以聞到大麻濃厚的甜蜜芬香。
- Transplanting techniques of big sweet - scented osmanthus seeding 桂花大苗移栽技術
- The flowers sweetly scented the air in the kitchen. 鮮花的香味充滿著整個廚房。
- Orange oil has a lovely sweet scent and taste and is useful for stimulate digestion in brushing the tongue. 甜橙精油有一種可愛的甜香與滋味,當輕刷舌頭時對促進消化有益。
- Her soft, sweet scent set his blood afire, and he wanted to wrap her in his arms and chase the sadness from her eyes. 她那溫柔甜蜜的香味令他血液沸騰,而且他想要將她擁懷中以抹去她眼底那一抹悲傷。
- The sweet scented orris root, is the powdered root of the Florentine iris, which was grown in ancient Greek and Roman gardens. 有香甜味的鳶尾根是佛羅倫薩鳶尾有許多小斑點的根,這種鳶尾長在古希臘和羅馬花園裡。
- Handpicking natural plump hazelnut, combining with specific technics, the products keep their original natural sweet scent. 精選天然榛子,運用獨特工藝,保留榛子天然香氣,果形飽滿,味香濃郁。
- The air is suffused with a sweet scent, driving away the ugliness and squal or of the daytime, soothing the distressed and wretched souls. 月光碟機散了白天的一切醜陋和骯髒,撫慰著痛苦和不幸的人們。
- Dionysus, the god of wine, added nectar to give her a sweet scent, and the three Graces gave her charm, brightness and joy. 克羅斯請求愛神阿佛洛狄特給了它美麗的容貌。讓酒神狄俄尼索斯為它澆灌了神酒,令它擁有了芬芳的氣味。
- These showers curling away and leaving sweet scents are divine. 雨後初睛,留下一股芬芳,簡直太神奇了。
- A wild, ghostly figure crouches in the moonlight on the tombs - it is an Ape! Listen, its howling cuts through the sweet scent of Life. 李白詩中用典頗多,歌詞中卻一個也不見,只剩下了對人生短暫與絕望的悲嘆。其實我倒很喜歡這「譯文」,尤其是這一句:
- Feeling like rose petals softened by the morning dew, Sweet scent fills the soul when I think of you. Like drops of water running through a pebbled brook. 就像玫瑰的花瓣因晨露變的柔軟想你的時候甜蜜的香氣充滿了我的靈魂。
- Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) - Inhaled: sedative. Good for high blood pressure and insomnia. On skin: Rub on scalp to stimulate hair growth. Sweet scent, use as perfume. 依蘭依蘭(依蘭、伊蘭)吸入:鎮靜(鎮靜劑)。治療高血壓和失眠功效卓越。用在皮膚:按摩頭皮可刺激頭髮成長。氣味香甜,可作為香水用途。