- sweet jaws and bitter heart; honeymouthed and stone-hearted 嘴甜心苦
- He hit the secret agent on the jaw and completely laid him out. 他朝那特務的下巴一拳打去,把他打昏在地。
- The Evil Impulse is sweet in the beginning and bitter in the end. 邪念開始是甜美的,結果卻是苦澀的。
- To work the jaws and teeth vigorously. 用力地活動嘴和牙齒
- The cicada has no jaws and does not bite or chew. * 蟬 蟬沒有鄂,既不能咬也不能嚼。
- For weeks my gums, teeth, jaw and sinuses throbbed. 好幾周我的牙齦、牙齒、下巴、鼻竇陣痛不止。
- Hard wind and bitter cold wizen his face. 強風與酷寒使他的臉孔皺縮了。
- Uncle Sam is portrayed as scruffy, mean and bitter. 山姆大叔的形象被畫得衣著邋遢、吝嗇且心胸狹窄。
- The suspect suffered a broken jaw and bruised eyes. 該名嫌疑犯被打得下顎骨折,眼睛淤血。
- Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall. 這就是昨晚,甜過蜜糖,苦若砒霜。命題作文。
- It was stirring times, that black and bitter night. 那個漆黑和寒冷的夜晚是夠令人提心弔膽的。
- Then I feel so cross and bitter, I hate everybody. 於是我覺得十分不高興、苦惱,恨每一個人。
- He was slugged on his jaw and fell down on the ground. 他的下巴上挨了重重一拳,摔倒在地上。
- Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause. 疾言厲色,色厲內荏。
- The policemen popped him on the jaw and knocked him cold. 警察狠狠地打他的下齶,打掉了他的氣焰。
- Here is a strange and bitter crop. 這裡是一個奇怪而痛苦的作物.
- Cover jaws and throat in front, Cover mouth and teeth. 在前面中的覆蓋嘴和咽喉,涵蓋嘴巴和牙齒。
- Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter? 泉源從一個眼裡能發出甜苦兩樣的水嗎。
- Everything new comes from the forge of hard and bitter struggle. 一切新的東西都是從艱苦鬥爭中鍛鍊出來的。
- Jack hit the robber on the jaw and completely laid him out. 傑克朝那強盜的下巴打了一拳,把他打昏在地。