- In synchrony they inclined their heads. 在 synchrony 中他們使他們的頭傾向了。
- Willow branches sway in the breeze. 和風吹拂,柳梢搖曳。
- They look like plants; they sit and sway in the currents. 它們看起來像植物,在水流中或靜止或搖擺。
- It has long leaves that sway in the wind like slim fingers reaching to touch something. 它那修長的樹葉在風中搖動,好象伸出纖細的手指去觸摸什麼東西似的。
- Chartism probably holds most sway in the foreign-exchange market. 圖表分析師可能操控著外匯交易市場的絕大多數波動。
- The branches of the trees were swaying in the wind. 樹枝在風中搖晃。
- The willows swayed in the breeze. 柳條迎風擺動。
- The branches of the trees are swaying in the wind. 樹枝在風中來回晃悠。
- Light is a wave composed of coupled electric and magnetic fields oscillating in synchrony at very high frequencies. 光是一種由電場與磁場耦合在一起進行高頻同步振蕩所形成的波。
- The pail swayed in Jack's hands as he ran. 傑克跑的時候,桶在手中擺動。
- The branches were swaying in the wind. 樹枝在風中搖曳。
- A conventional linear collider accelerates its particles with an electric field that moves along in synchrony with the particles. 一般的直線對撞機是利用與電子運動同步的電場來進行加速。
- The flowers were gently swaying in the breeze. 花兒在微風中輕輕舞動。
- When the various influences on the moons act in synchrony, the situation gets especially complex. 當各種不同的影響因素同時作用在衛星上時,情況將會更形複雜。
- The trees were swaying in the wind. 樹在風中搖晃。
- Smokestacks are known to sway in the wind if they are not rigid enough. 如果煙囪沒有足夠的剛度;它就會在風中搖擺。
- A thorough research, both in synchrony and diachrony, lead us to the following results. 通過共時研究與歷時研究,我們發現:一,親屬稱謂系統雖然龐雜,但並非無章。
- Their length means they gently sway in response to any wind movement. 其長度意味著它們輕輕搖曳,對任何風運動。
- The resulting photons travel together in the same direction in synchrony, forming a highly directional light beam. 產生的光子會同步朝同一方向行進,形成指向性極高的光束。
- Branches of the trees were swaying in the wind. 樹枝在風中搖晃。