- Seagulls hover over the surging waves. 海鷗在驚濤駭浪上翱翔。
- A ship is knifing through the surging waves. 一條船正在洶湧的波濤中破浪前進。
- Surging crowds impacted the theatre. 蜂擁的人群擠滿了劇場。
- The blazing magma was surging by us. 那會兒,熾熱的岩漿正從我們的身邊奔騰而過。
- The little boat was reeling on the surging sea. 小船在波濤洶湧的海上顛簸不止。
- Seagulls are hovering over the surging waves. 海鷗在驚濤駭浪上翱翔。
- The tide of revolution is surging ahead. 革命的洪流奔騰向前。
- I could feel indignation surging up in me. 我感到一般憤怒之火正在心中急劇膨脹。
- A whirling or surging motion, as of water. 打旋象水那樣的旋轉或噴涌
- A: It seems that envy is surging up within Mary. 看來瑪莉的嫉妒心又在作祟了。
- What is pretty?The sea says surging wave is pretty. 什麼是美麗的?大海說澎湃的波濤是美麗的.
- Their surging charges foamed themselves away. 他們一次次地衝鋒都被粉碎了。
- The revolution is surging forward irresistibly. 革命的潮流洶湧澎湃,勢不可擋。
- Burnable you the time of the surging. 燃燒著你激蕩的年華。
- I felt the desire to burst into tears surging up within me. 我想大哭一場,這情緒在我的心頭涌動著。
- She felt the desire to burst into tears surging up within her. 她突然有股衝動想大哭一場。
- W o rld J Surg, 1996, 20: 4112417. 鼠腸淋巴液內毒素水平[J.;中華整形燒傷外科雜誌;1998
- Zan hairpin a zoned waves surging, the bitter suffering from hate. 簪釵一劃浪滔滔,從此恨海苦煎熬。
- The rolling sea is another seascape of surging waves. 海上揚波,又是一幅波濤洶湧的海景。
- The surging floodwaters threatened the dykes and dams. 洶湧的洪水威脅著堤壩的安全。