The continuous beam can be soled by using singular functions and the method of superposition. 藉助奇異函數和疊加法,導出了帶有奇異函數的三彎矩方程。
In this paper, a method for estimating perceptual distortion before performing prosody modification by TD-PSOLA was presented. 在本篇論文中,我們針對時域基周同步疊加法提出一個在韻律調整前就可做主觀聽覺失真估測的方法。
The space substructure method is used to analyse the space frame, and the finite layer summation method is used for the layered soil. 在分析中,上部結構用空間子結構法分析,而分層土用分層總和法求其剛度。
Accelerated depreciation shall generally be calculated using only the double reducing balance method or sum-of-digits method. 企業加速計算折舊,一般應只限於採用雙倍餘額遞減法或年數總和法。