- No.6 and 7 coal seams are anthracites characterized by low ash,super-low sulf... 近南北向和北北東向的斷裂為正斷層,對馬頭嶺賦煤向斜構造造成切割破壞,使西翼淺部煤層未能保存。
- This additive can also perform the antiwear synergism with organic molybdate containing no phosphorus and sulf... 與不含硫磷的鉬酸酯添加劑具有良好的抗磨協同作用。通過上述複合,可以拓展該添加劑的應用,提高其性價比。
- Compared with sulphate lignin grout, the new kind of sulph ate lignin grout has a higher strength, lower price and more easy-controllable gellitation time. 與以前的硫木質素漿液相比,硫木質素複合漿液強度更高,價格更低廉,漿液膠凝時間更易調控。
- Compared with sulphate lignin grout, the new kind of sulph ate lignin grout has a higher strength , lower price and more easy-controllable gellitation time. 與以前的硫木質素漿液相比,硫木質素複合漿液強度更高,價格更低廉,漿液膠凝時間更易調控。
- The result of determining the ash of HBS lignin is bette r than of sulf olignin that supplied by Jilin Dushanzi Company, when we use this method determi nate. 利用木質素灰分測定的方法,對高沸溶劑(HBS)法提取的木質素灰分與吉林獨山子公司提供的木質素磺酸鹽進行測定,結果表明本方法製備HBS木質素質量更好。
- The simple methods are put forward to calculate Fermi level and edge level of sulf ide mineral by means of potential of mineral electrode and zeta potential of mi neral surface. 提出採用礦物浮選常用參數,即礦物靜電位和礦物顆粒表面動電位來計算硫化礦物的費米能級和邊緣能級的簡便方法。
- Biological reduction of sulfate with sulf ate-reducing bacteria(SRB) can chemically precipitate heavy metals and remove th e insoluble metal sulfide at the same time. 利用硫酸鹽還原菌生物還原硫酸鹽的過程中同時可將重金屬化學沉澱為難溶金屬硫化物而去除。
- It also found improvements in the Northeastern northeastern United States and the California Current that flows sUlf south along the west coastWest Coast. 該研究發現,在北海地區,波羅的海,比斯開灣還需要加強控制措施。
- Keywords expandable graphite;sulf ur;gravimetry; 可膨脹石墨;硫;重量法;
- sulf(o)-, sulph(o)- 硫, 磺基
- Keywords sulf amethorazole;sulfa drug;indirect AAS;silver nitrate; 原子吸收法;磺胺類藥物;磺胺甲基異惡唑;硝酸銀;
- Keywords copper sulf ate;copper bearing waste acid;soluble gluside; 硫酸銅;含銅廢水;糖精鈉;
- Keywords Sulf onylurea;Aminopyrimidine;Synthesis;Herbicidal activity; 磺醯脲;氨基嘧啶;合成;除草活性;
- Keywords gold-bearing complex sulf ide ore;flotation;EDTA;conditioning agent; 含金多金屬硫化礦;浮選;EDTA;調整劑;
- Keywords Petroleum sulf oxides;Extraction;Distribution ratio;Uranium;Thorium.; 石油亞碸;萃取;分配比;鈾;釷;
- Keywords Barium Sulf ate;Capillary Columm;Solubility;Chromatogranhy; 硫酸鋇;毛細管柱;溶解度;色譜;
- Neutralization and filtration of liquid sulphur in sulph ur-burning sulphuric acid plants 硫磺制酸裝置中液硫的中和與過濾
- Discussion on Natural Precipitated Particles and Sulph ate Rate of Air in the Urban Area of Luzhou 瀘州市城市空氣自然降塵和硫酸鹽化速率的探討
- Keywords polyphony lene sulf ide;polyethersulf one;melting;crystallization;thermal histo-ry.; 聚苯硫醚;聚醚碸;熔融;結晶;熱歷史;
- Keywords Dehydroepiandrosterone sulf ate Atherosclerosis Cerebral infarction Lipoproteins; 硫酸脫氫表雄酮;動脈粥樣硬化;腦梗塞;脂蛋白類;