John was devastated when Jane broke off their engagement, but he soon met someone more suited to him. 簡與約翰解除婚約時,約翰曾一蹶不振,但不久就遇到一個更適合他的人。
I can't think of two people more suited to each other than you and David. 沒有人比你和David倆人更般配的佳偶了。
He is better suited to a job with older pupils. 他較適合教小學高年級學生。
A combination of language, operating system, and software packages suited to the development of expert system. Developed at Carnegie-Mellon University. 一種適於開發專家系統的語言、操作系統和軟體包,它是由美國卡內基-梅隆大學開發的。