- The dynamic simulation results indicate that the smart skin studied in the paper is able to maintain a sufficient authority to control the tailless aircraft in a low-rate maneuvering. 模擬結果表明,所討論的智能蒙皮對機動要求不大的無尾飛行器具有足夠的控制能力。
- There is sufficient food for everybody. 有足夠的飯菜供大家吃。
- Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need. 足夠的足以滿足要求或需求的
- He posed as an authority on that subject. 他以那個問題的權威自居。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 書中女主人翁是作者的真實寫照。
- As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. 關於這本書的作者,我來試猜一下。
- Her income is not sufficient to support her family. 她的收入不夠養活家人。
- Is the money sufficient to cover the tuition? 這筆錢付學費夠嗎?
- The author dedicated her new book to her supportive family. 這位作家將她的新書獻給支持她的家庭。
- The author is going to adapt his play for television. 作者將把他的劇本改編成電視劇。
- The author's fingerprint is quite obvious in all of his works. 作者的特色在他所有的作品中都很明顯。
- The papal authority is sovereign. 羅馬教皇的權力是至高無上的。
- Lack of sufficient education loaded the dice against Jack. 沒有獲得足夠的教育使傑克吃了虧。
- I doubt whether they really have sufficient manpower. 我懷疑他們是否真有足夠的人力。
- This book shows that he is an ingenious author. 這本書表明他是一個有創造力的作家。
- Only the treasurer has authority to sign cheques. 只有司庫有權簽署支票。
- The leader must be a person of authority. 領袖必須是有權威的人。
- The money I have saved is sufficient for buying a car. 我所存的錢足以買一輛汽車。
- His voice carries the ring of authority. 他的聲音中帶有權威的口氣。
- Desertion is a ground (ie legally sufficient reason) for divorce. 被配偶遺棄是離婚的充足理由。