- Chinese women in ancient times suffered enough from feudal curtsy oppression and had few opportunities to join in the social activity. 摘要我國古代女性受盡封建禮教的壓迫,很少有參與社會活動的機會,但她們當中的一些人為開拓自己的活動空間,投身於體育活動。
- In historical process of China"s social development the disaster news report have suffered enough from the difficulty and arduousness, and has made considerable progress too. 中國的災害新聞報道隨著中國社會發展的歷史進程,飽嘗了艱難曲折,也取得了長足的進步。
- Don't call her a whore! She has suffered enough. 別叫她妓女!她已經受了夠多的苦。
- Should I take chromium supplements or can I get enough from foods? 我必需要服用鉻補充品?能從食物中得到足夠的鉻嗎?
- Does the machine have with person the chance for loving each other? If have, how can it possibly be to suffer enough the approbation? 機械與人有相愛的機會嗎?如果有,那能夠受到認同嗎?
- Should your vessel suffer enough damage, various systems will begin to fail and quite possibly you'll be down to your final reserve power and life support. 你的飛船遭受到一定程度的損傷之後,飛船的各種系統就會開始失靈,最後你很有可能會只剩下最終保留力量以及生命維持裝置。
- You will never be able to swim away fast enough from an accidently drowned Jeep. 當你乘坐的吉甫車掉進水裡的,你永遠來不及逃生就會爆炸!
- University malls must be free enough from congestion to allow people to walk through easily. 校內道路不應當擁堵,以便人們順利通行。
- She had suffered enough, surely to God, had she not? 上天有眼,難道她經受的痛苦還少嗎?
- Hawthorne's own life was free enough from tragedy; yet he saw destiny's sombre operation all about him. 霍索恩一生沒有什麼惡劇,然而他卻看到周圍是命運的重重魅影。
- Alcoholics often suffer from periods of oblivion. 飲酒過度的人常常失去記憶。
- After suffering enough she fled into the deep mountain. 她不堪凌辱,逃入深山。
- Well , You have suffered enough and warred with yourself . 你受夠了,你與自己作戰。
- Oreo worldwide sales of biscuits together with the length enough from Earth to the Moon back and forth six times. 將全世界銷售的奧利奧餅乾落起來的長度夠從地球到月球來回6次。
- Amenpanufer will make enough from this haul to feed his family for years.This is what he thinks of the afterlife. 阿門帕努弗這次的收穫能養活全家好幾年,這就是他概念中的來世。
- He said he had heard enough from other sources about the Lakers' public sniping to warrant a team get-together. 他說他從別處聽到許多關於湖人公眾不能確保一支共同方向的球隊的說法。
- I often suffer from unaccountable headaches. 我常莫名其妙地頭疼。
- Typhoon and hurricanes do not form exceptionally large waves, because their winds, although very strong, do not blow l0 ng enough from one direction. 颱風和颶風並不會形成特大的巨浪,因為這些風雖然很強,但它們並不能沿著同一方向長時間的吹。
- We suffer from too much officialdom. 我們深受官僚作風之害。
- The genome must stray far enough from its usual arrangement before it can create a substantially different outward form. 基因組必須偏離它通常的排列位置足夠遠,才能創造出有本質區別的外向形式。