- This year we've made a big stride forward on the road of four modernizations. 今年我們在四化道路上大大地邁進了一步。
- Moreover, it is a challenge to the government's tolerance towards different views, a big stride forward in promoting free speech. 此外,它有自我挑戰能耐的味道,在廣開言路上,跨出一大步。
- Moreover,it is a challenge to the government's tolerance towards different views,a big stride forward in promoting free speech. 此外,它有自我挑戰能耐的味道,在廣開言路上,跨出一大步。
- In this respect our Party has taken a big stride forward as compared with all the historical stages before the War of Resistance. 在這點上我們黨是比抗日以前的幾個歷史時期,大進一步了。
- Third, enterprises have made a big stride forward in developing international management, and a considerable number of enterprises have launched overseas business. 三是企業開展國際化經營邁出重要步伐,相當一批大型企業開始拓展海外經營業務。
- In face of popularization of positioning techniques and universality of data sharing scope, the geodetic engineering informatization must take a big stride forward. 以共享平台數據模型為信息表示對象,將數據及聯繫以標準交換格式文件存儲。
- Our currency and commodity prices have remained stable, and our work of rehabilitation and development in the spheres of economic construction, culture and education has also taken a big stride forward. 而我們的金融和物價則繼續保持著穩定,我們的經濟建設事業和文化教育事業的恢復和發展的工作,也已前進了一大步。
- "Now, the Bold decision is a challenge to the government's tolerance towards different views, a Big stride forward in promoting free speech." 政府的"大膽"決策也有自我挑戰能耐的味道,在廣開言路上,跨出一大步!
- In a big stride he came out of the room. 他一個箭步出了房間。
- Stride forward proundly,leave no regret! 昂首闊步,不留一絲遺憾!
- The leading wildebeests was in no haste to stride forward. 為什麼它敢於走入水中,是因為年幼無知,還是因為渴得受不了?
- Let us stride forward the hopeful and challenge future together hand in hand! 讓我們與朋友們攜手,共同邁進充滿希望與挑戰的未來!
- They took giant strides forward. 他們大踏步前進。
- He strode forward with his head held high. 他昂首闊步地前進。
- All my students are striding forward in English. 我所有學生的英語在大踏 步地取得進展.
- He took a giant stride forward in understanding mechanical principles and in understanding gravity. 他在認識力學原理和重力方面,邁進了一大步。
- So, Recreance is only a one-step distance from catholicity,Measure thrice and cut once,stride forward your step! 所以,懦弱和大度只有一步之遙,做每件事前,三思而後行,勇敢的邁出這一步!
- The sudden jolt plunged her forward. 突然顛了一下,她向前打了個趔趄。
- He leapt up with a big stride. 他一個箭步躥上前去。