- 吸血蝙蝠vampire bat
- 吸to breathe
- 混血hybrid
- 吸血蟲blood sucker
- 新世界的食肉蝙蝠,被誤認為吸血但實際上以昆蟲為食。any New or Old World carnivorous bat erroneously thought to suck blood but in fact feeding on insects.
- 一隻大蚊子正從她的手背吸血。A large mosquito was sucking blood from the back of her hand.
- 北非吸血蠅Athysanus
- 吸血hematophagia
- 假吸血蝠false vampire bat
- 吸血蛭blood feeding leeches
- 非吸血nonbloodsucking
- 吸血杯heurteloup
- 吸血的sanguinovorous
- 吸血法cupping
- 吸血器heurteloup
- 吸血虱sucking louse
- 吸血者blood sucker
- 吸血蝠desmodont
- 吸血蠓blood sucking midge
- 吸血鼠蟎blood-sucking rat mite