- As the car hit the tree he was snot out. 汽車扭在村上,他被猛地摔了出來。
- The bird sang high and clearly in the tree. 鳥兒在樹上清脆地高歌。
- The annular markings on a tree indicate its age. 樹的環形紋理顯示其年齡。
- The car hit the tree with a sickening crash. 那輛汽車撞在樹上發出讓人難受的撞擊聲。
- An arrow whizzed past and stuck in a tree. 一支箭「颼」地一聲飛過去,釘在一棵樹上。
- The squirrel ran up a tree and got out of my reach. 松鼠跑到樹上去了,我逮不著。
- The workers saw off a limb from the tree. 工人從樹上鋸下了一根大樹枝。
- He is not made for climbing the tree of knowledge. 他不是生來適於攀登知識之樹的。
- He tethered his horse to a tree. 他用繩子把馬拴在樹上。
- The ivy twined round the oak tree. 長春藤盤繞著橡樹。
- I saw the bird at the very top of the tree. 就在那棵樹頂上我看到那隻鳥。
- He is hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot. 一棵樹倒下來,把他當場砸死了。
- Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下電視觀察。
- She was sitting in the shade of a big olive tree. 她正坐在一棵大橄欖樹的樹蔭下。
- In the storm I took shelter under the tree. 暴風雨時,我正在樹下躲避。
- In the storm we take refuge under a big tree. 在那次暴風雨中,我們躲在一棵大樹下。
- My wife's unreasonable demand has me up a tree. 我妻子的無理要求使我很為難。
- Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 確保水下電視處於良好的狀態。
- The gardener cut off a branch from the tree. 園丁從樹上砍下一根樹枝。
- Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水下電視觀察鑽頭是否進入導向基板。