- Undulation is one of the fundamental models of the geological effect , the undulation motion and variation inshape of earth crust is an geologic facts. 波動是地質作用的基本形式之一,地殼的波狀運動和變形是客觀存在的。
- Volcanic rocks of the Shangkuli cycle in early Cretaceous are high in potassium calc-alkaline series.The magma came from partial melting of earth crust. 早白堊世的上庫力旋迴火山岩為高鉀鈣鹼性系列,岩漿來源於地殼的部分熔融;
- Formation of the unconformity was controlled jointly by differential deposit velocity, and depression velocity of earth crust, belonging to deposition uniformity. 該不整合面的形成由差異沉積速率和地殼的差異沉降作用共同控制,屬於沉積型不整合面。
- The measurement of earth tilt is an important method of studying earth crust deformation and its earth tide, which means much to Geodynamics and the observation of earthquake prognostic. 地傾斜測量是研究地殼形變及其固體潮的一種重要手段,它對地球動力學研究和地震前兆觀測都具有重要意義。
- The machine cast up a big heap of earth. 機器捲起了一大堆泥土。
- The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth. 推土機把土堆剷平。
- The farmer examined a handful of earth. 那個農夫察看了一把泥土。
- His first shot, which fell short, sent up a spurt of earth. 他的第一槍沒打中,揚起一股塵土。
- A low mound or ridge of earth; a knoll. 小丘低土丘或圓崗; 小丘
- This kind of unusual eclogite provides an opportunity to study the deep subduction of mafic lower continental crust and its recycling and effects on the mantle heterogeneity. 大別山這種不尋常的鎂鐵質下地殼俯衝成因榴輝岩為研究大陸深俯衝和陸殼物質再循環以及對地幔不均一性的影響提供了重要對象和可能性。
- A mound of earth piled around and over a plant. 小土堆在植物周圍或上面堆起的小土堆
- This article focuses on radiation present in the earth crust. 本文重點介紹源自地殼的輻射。
- Later it separated due to the movement of the earth crust. 後來因為地殼運動才分開了。
- Miners labour in the bowels of earth. 礦工們在地底下勞動。
- We are all fellow passengers on a dot of earth. 我們都是一小塊土地上的過客。
- The rock bodies in the south belt were formed mainly in Yanshanian, followed by Himalayan epoch. Their origin was closely related to the northward subduction of Tethys o ceanic crust in late Yanshanian epoch. 其中,南部岩帶岩體以燕山晚期為主,喜馬拉雅早期次之,成因及形成環境與特提斯洋殼向北俯衝作用密切相關(燕山晚期),同時俯衝結束后的同碰撞條件下的岩漿活動在該岩帶內也有明顯的反映(喜馬拉雅早期);
- Rhenium is an element which is extremely dispersed in earth crust. 錸是地殼中一種極度分散的元素。
- Spirits of Earth and Storm, strike! 大地與風暴的靈魂啊,攻擊吧!
- To break up(clods of earth)with a harrow. 耙土用耙打碎土塊