- Advanced Interactive Gas Chromatography Training. 高級互動式氣相色譜培訓軟體。
- Determination of sulphuryl fluoride in air by gas chromatography. 空氣中硫醯氟氣體濃度的氣相色譜法測定。
- Analysis of ametryn by gas chromatography was reported. 報道了莠滅凈的氣相色譜分析方法。
- We use gas chromatography for moisture determination in a number of grains. 我們用氣相層析法來測定各種穀物的水分。
- Analysis of Natural Gas-Liquid Mixtures by Gas Chromatography, Method for (05. 用氣相色譜法分析天然氣體-液體混合物的試驗方法(05。
- The results of gas chromatography analysis are good for HFPO and HFP . 由以上氣相色譜柱和操作條件對HFP和HFPO混合氣體進行分析,分析結果令人滿意。
- Sol-gel capillary column in gas chromatography is a new type of column. 溶膠凝膠毛細管氣相色譜柱是一類新型的色譜柱。
- PPD and the oil added with PPD are measured with gas chromatography. 析出的蠟與原蠟在碳數分佈上有一定的區別,析出的蠟碳數呈雙峰分佈;
- To test detection of vinylacetate in air of workshop with gas chromatography. 本文主要探討用氣相色譜測定車間空氣中醋酸乙烯酯的方法。
- PFIB gas chromatography operational condition is given for reference. 提供了PFIB的氣相色譜分析的具體操作參考條件。
- Gas Chromatography sales are growing at about the same rate as the instrument market. 氣相色譜銷售率的增長與整個儀器市場的增長率大約相當。
- A gas chromatography fingerprint technique can be used to study oil layers connectivity. 色譜指紋技術可用於油藏的油層連通性研究。
- A gas chromatography method for the quantitative analysis of isooctyl acid was introduced in this paper. 摘要建立了異辛酸合成過程中異辛醇、異辛酸和酯的氣相色譜分析方法。
- A method for determination of chlorothalonil in the aerosol by capillary gas chromatography was described. 採用毛細管氣相色譜法定量分析百菌清煙霧劑中百菌清的含量。
- The purity of argon was analyzed by gas chromatography with argon discharge detector. 摘要採用氬放電檢測器氣相色譜儀分析了氬氣純度。
- Abstract: The design of an opening software for emulating gas chromatography is described. 文摘:介紹了一種氣相色譜模擬軟體的設計思想、設計方法及其應用。
- A method for the determination of4- methylimidazole in caramel color by capillary gas chromatography was studied. 研究了焦糖色素中4-甲基咪唑含量的氣相色譜分析方法。
- Gas chromatography (GC): Type of chromatography with a gas mixture as the mobile phase. 氣相色層分析法(亦譯氣相色譜法):色層分析法的一個類型,把一種氣體混合物作為動相。
- The quantitative analysis of dihydrosafrole, by gas chromatography on 2% DEGS packed column and using biphenyl as internal standard, was introducced. 採用DEGS為固定液、聯苯為內標物,用氣相色譜法測定二氫黃樟油中二氫黃樟素的含量。
- The 7 kinds of organic phosphorus pesticides in injecting water sample wits Gas Chromatography equipped with ECD, large diameter capillary columu. 用電子捕獲檢測器,大孔徑毛細管色譜柱直接進水樣分析7種有機磷農藥。