- 喜劇體裁由這樣作品形成的體裁The genre made up of such works.
- 散文是一種文字體裁The essay is a literary form.
- 雖然,山歌體裁的音樂性格就其主流來 說是奔放、高亢的,although the nature of the music of mountain songs is mainly bold and sonorous
- 體裁分析genre analysis
- 語篇體裁genre
- 體裁形式form
- 體裁結構generic structure
- 體裁分類genre classification
- 體裁模式genre-scheme
- 體裁選擇genre selection
- 文章體裁patterns of the essays
- 體裁新探Exploration for New Literary Genres
- 文學體裁Literary style
- 體裁規範style standardization
- 體裁語言stylistic language
- 民歌體裁types of the folk songs
- 視見體裁剪View frustum culling
- 情節劇具有上述特徵的戲劇文學體裁The dramatic genre characterized by this treatment.
- 文學體裁[風格]literary style
- 體裁教學法genre approach