- Nasal aspirator.A bulb syringe for clearing a stuffy nose. 最好買特殊形狀設計的;防止清潔時捅得過深.
- I've got a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 我嗓子疼,鼻子不通氣。
- I have a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 我嗓子疼,鼻子還堵。
- He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. 他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。
- My nose is often running with a pus-like discharge; the nasal obstruction and dysosmia become worse and worse. 我鼻子里經常流出膿狀物,鼻塞和嗅覺障礙也越來越糟。
- Tina woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose. 汀娜醒來覺得喉嚨痛和鼻塞.
- He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose . 他嗓子疼,鼻子不通。
- Can You Recommend Something for a Stuffy Nose? 您能推薦治療鼻子不通的葯嗎?
- The drug is used to treat symptoms induced by common colk or epidemic influenza like sternutatio,nose running and nasal obstruction. 用於普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的噴嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞等癥狀的治療。
- Dragon Balm.Imparts a warming effect.Helps to relieve stuffy nose and open nasal pathways.Rub on temples and around nose, may be rubbed on chest area. 有助於減輕鼻塞和開放的鼻腔通道,可以用於鼻翼周圍按摩,也可用於胸部。
- Aprimary extranasopharyngeal angiofibroma is area, A22-year-old man sought medical advice due to repeated nasal hemorrhage and stuffy nose. 患者為22歲男性,因反覆性大量鼻出血及鼻塞就診。
- This sickness clinical manifestation is complicated and diversified, but the main symptom is the class clear water sample nasal mucus, the stuffy nose, the nose itches, sneezes. 此病臨床表現複雜多變,但主要的癥狀就是流清水樣鼻涕、鼻塞、鼻癢、打噴嚏。
- The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed. 臨床常以鼻塞流膿涕及鼻衄為主要癥狀。
- Can you suggest [recommend] something for a stuffy nose? 您能對治鼻塞提點建議[推薦方法]嗎?
- I had gotten a sore throat, stuffy nose and high fever. 我喉嚨疼痛,鼻子阻塞,高燒不退。
- The symptoms of the upper and the lower respiratory tract are rhinitis (sneezing, pruritus of the nose, nasal stuffiness, and nasal obstruction), larynx edema, cough, wheezing, and bronchial asthma. 皮膚反應:局部的或無顯著特點的搔癢症、面部潮紅、風疹、血管性水腫、麻疹樣疹病、突發特異性皮炎;
- Relieve inflammation, hypersensitivity and stuffy nose. 消炎、抗過敏、通鼻塞.
- The product is used as over-the-counter drug for subcalorism.The drug is used to treat symptoms induced by common colk or epidemic influenza like sternutatio,nose running and nasal obstruction. 本品為感冒用藥類非處方葯藥品。用於普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的噴嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞等癥狀的治療。
- Dry air may leave baby with a stuffy nose that awakens him. 太過乾燥的空氣容易讓寶寶鼻塞並醒來。
- Chief complaints included unilateral nasal obstruction, blood tinged rhinorrhea and purulent rhinorrhea. 經組織切片證實為惡性黑色素腫瘤。