- Second, Bacon animadverts on traditional classical scientific and philosophical thought and assumes studies of future science in New Atlantis. 培根在《新大西島》中對傳統的古典科學與哲學思想的批判以及對未來科學研究的設想,即與自亞里士多德以來的傳統科學相比,培根的科學觀「新」在何處;
- He showed us four case studies of disturbed girls. 他給我們看了4位精神失常姑娘的病歷。
- He has plagiarized most of the book from earlier studies of the period. 他那本書大部分都是從研究那個時期的著作中剽竊的內容。
- The commander made a detailed study of the terrain. 司令員對地形作了仔細研究。
- The study of computer controlled robots. 對受計算機控制的機器人的研究領域。
- The study of viruses and viral diseases. 病毒學一種病毒和病毒性疾病的研究
- He makes a rigorous study of the plant in the area. 他對該地的植物進行了慎密的研究。
- She's doing a study of children's speech. 她正在研究兒童說話現象。
- High-Pressure Raman Scattering Studies of Fluids. 液體的高壓喇曼散射。
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 詩學論文對詩歌或美學的專論或研究
- He persisted in the study of law. 他堅持學習法律。
- She wrote a study of Shakespeare. 她寫了一篇有關莎士比亞的論文。
- She made an elaborate study of Shakespeare's works. 她刻苦研究莎士比亞的著作。
- A more complete study of the subject is needed. 對這個問題需要作更加徹底的研究。
- He is making a study of William Faulkner's works. 他在研究威廉•福克納的作品。
- She devoted her lifetime to the study of zoology. 她以畢生精力從事動物學研究。
- He was still devoted to the study of chemistry. 他仍專心致力於化學研究。
- They engage in the study of music. 他們從事音樂研究。
- This is one of the most significant studies of the subject. 這是對該課題最重要的研究之一。
- The study of sexually transmitted diseases. 性病學對性傳染疾病的研究