- Amplitude is shown logarithmically to emphasize the function』s form . 高度對數顯示強調作用的形式。
- But Van der Sar』s form in Japan sent out the message that he is still his club』s goalkeeping guv』nor. 但是范德薩在日本所表現出來的狀態表明了他仍然是這個俱樂部的頭號守門員。
- Cavitation is a phenomenon occurred in the liquid The liquid s form changes the liquid to the stream. 空化是在液體中產生的一種現象,是液體從液相變成汽相的相變過程。
- The PMN's seen here are in alveoli, indicative of an acute bronchopneumonia of the lung.The PMN's form an exudate in the alveoli. 急性支氣管肺炎(小葉性肺炎)顯示肺泡腔內大量嗜中性粒細胞。
- The S form of the rachis of equestrian Sa Yi Ren and average now person curves rachis to differ somewhat, for straight " one " glyph. 馬薩伊人的脊柱與現在一般人的s形彎曲脊柱有所不同,為直的「一」字形。
- Iran has advocated be established natural gas OPEC, hoped profits from the petroleum OPEC's form adjustment world market natural gas price. 伊朗一直主張成立天然氣歐佩克,希望借鑒石油歐佩克的形式調節世界市場天然氣價格。
- As one ascends, such thought-form becomes activated, as thought-forms are held in vibrational layers like an onion around one\'s form. 當你提升,這些思想形態被激活,因為思想形態以圍繞著你的形體的、類似洋蔥的振動多層的方式被持有。
- The sense of social morality s form and history will be engendered if the cognition of public and value choice is different. 對「公」的認識不同,價值選擇不同,對公德意識的形成和歷史發展進程都會產生巨大的影響。
- Whole thrash movement, the contrail of the hand only then at the shoulder before, of afterwards fall to the abdomen, arrive finally by ham, submit S form. 整個划水動作,手的軌跡始於肩前,繼之到腹下,最後到大腿旁,呈s形。
- The article via the analysis of quadrangle s form, character, arrangement and variance, tries to find an outlet of protecting and inheriting the traditional residential mentality. 通過分析四合院的形成、特徵、布局以及變遷,試圖尋找一條保護與繼承傳統居住心理的出路。
- And using a memory to storage the post arm"s form, we can changes the curreat ann"sform to remoteness the past arm tbrm gradually (this is means postview). 同時,我們有存儲器記憶過去時刻臂形,控制當前時刻臂形漸漸遠離過去時刻臂形(後顧)。
- Syngenetic structures controlled the basin 's forming, settling and evolving. 同生構造控制了盆地的形成、沉積及演化。
- Come loose without aglet corsage type the S form curve that places the clipping with fit skirt to emphasize giving a woman, bowknot adornment of the waist builds a pleasant feeling. 無肩帶胸衣式散擺裙合體的剪裁強調出女性的S形曲線,腰部的蝴蝶結裝飾營造出甜美感。
- The two halves of the structure didn't marry up. 該結構的兩部分未配合好。
- Using the airbrush tool and a 75% gray, I scribble the light effects on, remembering to follow the shark s form and volume. (Using photo reference is very helpful when rendering this sort of effect). 用噴強工具調整為75%25的灰度,我潦草的加了些光效在上面,記著隨著鯊魚的形態和強度來加。(用照片作為參考是非常有助於加這種光效的)。
- High winds put great stress on the structure. 大風作用於該建築物上而產生巨大的應力。
- The base of pieces of whole tea table submits S form, the desktop is formed elliptically with geometry, send out a kind of harmonic beauty. 椅背上方以小圓棒點綴,讓線條更有變化,而且能使椅子定位,不致變形。
- The structure had keeled over in the high winds. 那座建築物讓大風給颳倒了。
- A fan-shaped anatomical structure. 扇形器官扇形的解剖結構
- This paper introduces two kinds of OAMS's forms, functions, features and its developing trend in future. 文章介紹了兩種光纜線路自動監測系統的組成、功能、特點以及未來的發展趨勢。