- Nations should strive to make progress and advance bravely towards a greater unity. 任何國家都應力求進步,向全國大團結這一目標奮勇前進。
- What impedes you to make progress? 什麼事妨礙你取得進步?
- Choose the white yulan to be Shanghai city flower, symbolize a kind of pioneer , spirit striving to make progress. 選擇白玉蘭為上海市市花,象徵著一種開路先鋒、奮發向上的精神。
- She is eager to make progress in her work. 她在工作中銳意進取。
- Prepared to innovate in order to make progress. 為取得進步準備革新。
- If you want to make progress, you must work harder. 如果想進步,你就得更加努力學習。
- I feel I'm going to make progress with her. 我感到在她班上我會取得進步的。
- She continued to make progress in her lesson. 她繼續在學習中取得進步。
- To make progress or achieve success. 取得進步或獲得成功。
- We must innovate in order to make progress. 我們必須改革以便取得進步。
- This was a refusal to change, to make progress. 這就是墨守成規, 不願進步。
- I will always strive to make the next hour better than this one. 我要努力使下一刻比此刻更好。
- We perceive him wish to make progress. 我們看得出他是要求進步的。
- You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. 你們可以為培養他們傾盡全力,卻無法讓他們效仿你。
- The kid is eager to make progress. 這孩子很要好。
- He strove to make himself understood. 他儘力讓別人理解他的意思。
- To make progress in English study. 在英語學習上取得進步.
- Castling is a move that everyone should strive to make while playing chess. 王車易位是每個人在玩象棋時都應儘力走出的一步棋。
- Mankind is striving to make us all well off. 全人類正在努力達到小康水平。
- You must sink your differences if you want to make progress. 如果你們要進步就必須摒除你們之間的分歧。