"this was strikingly demonstrated"
"the evidence was strikingly absent"
用作副詞 (adv.)
Galadriel and Celeborn complement each other, but neither is strikingly superior to the other. 蓋拉德麗爾夫人與凱勒鵬二人互濟互補,但沒有哪一個特別顯著地高於對方。
They are strikingly different from the conventional motivations for mergers and acquisitions documented in the literature based on the experience of the mature capital markets. 這種收購顯著地區別於文獻中傳統的基於成熟的資本市場經驗的公司合併和收購動機。
The men have told him strikingly similar stories of disenchantment. 這些人向他敘述的覺醒故事驚人地相似。
Valid instance documents for the same message look strikingly similar to each other. 同一消息的有效實例文檔看起來都驚人地相似。