- They were ordered to strike back. 他們奉命反擊。
- Tightening the screws too far risks goading Mr Kim to strike back. 施壓過大的危險在於可能驅使金正日反擊。
- strike back; beat back; counterattack 反擊
- The politicians called on the oppressed working people to strike back hard. 政治家們號召被壓迫的勞動人民奮力反擊。
- He's a schemer,and now his plot struck back. 他是個陰謀家,而現在他搞的陰謀卻反過來害了他自己。
- Tom at last found a chance to strike back at those who had found fault with his latest book. 湯姆終於找到了機會對攻擊他的新作的人們反擊。
- Only then were the Chinese naval units protecting the fishing boats ordered to strike back. 直到這時,保護漁船的我海軍部隊才奉命還擊。
- The police struck back with even greater ferocity. 警察因為遭到甚為強大的抵抗而節節敗退。
- The defenders struck back at the aggressors. 侵略者遭到反抗者的反擊。
- When he attacked me, naturally I struck back. 他攻擊我時我自然要進行還擊。
- He is striking back with his usual manipulation. 他正用一貫的伎倆還擊。
- The hissing of the serpent shall strike back at this world with unexpected ferocity. 蛇的吐舌聲會兇猛的突擊這個世界。
- The song Empty Skies describes the desire to strike back that a person feels after a senseless loss. 《空曠的天空》描述了一個人在毫無意識地失去的情況下,想要還擊的願望。
- First, I will not quarrel with them, not scold back or strike back even if they scold wrongly. 答:首先,我不會跟他們吵,罵不還口,打不還手,而是耐心地解釋。解釋無效,我會向上級彙報。當然,我想新加坡是一個文明的國家,應該不會出現這種情況。
- He next tasked his new apprentice to raze the Jedi Temple before the treacherous Jedi could strike back at them. 他接著派新徒弟在反叛的絕地仍組織起來反攻之前,將絕地聖殿徹底掃蕩。
- Each strike back the object topples, nevertheless, a few websites of our home also have very big loss. 一個個的反擊對象倒下,不過,我們國內的一些網站也有很大的損失。
- European antitrust authorities are also still pursuing Microsoft, which limits its ability to strike back at Google. 歐盟反壟斷當局還在起訴微軟,這些都限制了其反擊谷歌的能力。
- The proponent has.Anti has.The person that should litigate has.The person that distain to strike back has. 支持者有之.;反對者有之
- The ping-pong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent. 乓乒球運動員不慌不忙地回擊對手。
- The traveler struck back when a man tried to rob him. 那個旅行者在有人企圖搶劫他時進行了回擊。