- Don't stray from the point too much. 別離題太遠!
- Don't stray (away) from the point. 不要離題。
- Don't stray from the main point of the question. 不要離開問題的主要之點。
- The more he talked, the further he strayed from the point. 他越講越不著邊際。
- It's annoying to talk to people who keep straying from the point. 和總是離題的人交談真讓人惱火。
- Don't stray from the point. 別離題亂扯。
- Don't let the dog stray from the garden. 不要讓狗從花園跑丟了。
- Do not stray from the point. 別離題亂扯。
- Do not stray from the point . 不要離題。
- He constantly strayed from the main point of his talk. 他不斷偏離他的話題。
- Don' t stray ( away ) from the point. 不要離題.
- See from the point from which everything start. 從所有東西的出發點來領會。
- Be careful not to stray from the right path of duty. 注意不要偏離應盡職責的正道。
- Don't wander from the subject.; Stick to the point. 別扯遠了。
- CPI and PPI from the point of view, it is not bad. 從CPI和PPI上看,利空也並不大。
- A goat had strayed from the herd. 一隻山羊離開了羊群。
- Regional governors are unlikely to stray from the Kremlin's plans. 地區領導人肯定得到了克里姆林宮的授意。
- Firefox stray from the urine of small Wandering the Quartet. 流浪的小火狐從小便漂泊四方。
- When he lectures he often strays from the subject. 他做起報告來,東拉西扯不著邊際。
- Your argument was clear to us from the start there's no need to labour the point. 你的論點一開頭我們就清楚了--沒必要一再重複。