- Stratigraphic unit or tectonic unit? 是地層單元還是構造單元?
- Come, join us! Let's pwn Terran and Zerg together!! 在下出現...一看到融合我就進來了,呵呵。
- The Glauconite Sandstone is a persistent stratigraphic unit. 海綠石砂岩是一個穩定的地層單元。
- The component layers have the geometry of stratigraphic units. 一分層具有地層單元的幾何形態。
- A well-exposed Triassic stratigraphic section is constructed. 新發現一套出露較完整的三疊系地層剖面;
- This student is studying a stratigraphic overlap trap. 這個學生在研究地層超覆圈閉。
- We got Terran for sure, I don't know about the rest. 我們肯定找到了人類,其他的我就不知道了。
- Eldritch giants speak Abyssal,Common, Giant, and Terran. 邪術巨人講深淵語、通用語、巨人語和土族語。
- In a certain sense she seemed more the Terran than Scott. 從某種角度而言,她比斯科特更像一個地球人。
- The gas accumulation is controlled entirely by stratigraphic parameters. 氣的聚集完全受地層參數的控制。
- I just played with A computer with your map,Terran vs Terran. 不在放蕩中變壞,就在沉默中變態。
- Let no Terran agency conspire against this new beginning. 再也沒有任何組織來破壞這個新的開始。
- StarCraft II continues the epic saga of the Protoss, Terran, and Zerg. 星際爭霸II延續了神族、人族和蟲族的宏偉傳奇。
- The stratigraphic offlap reservoirs are mainly near the shore line of RST. RST對應的湖岸線主要發育了退覆油氣藏;
- Anticlinal, faulted and stratigraphic traps are commonly found in the basin. 盆地內的圈閉類型有背斜、斷鼻、斷塊和地層圈閉等,可能發育多套儲蓋組合。
- The stratigraphic structure can be learned according to electric well logs. 摘要根據電測井曲線可以了解地層構造。
- Geologic time unit, rock stratigraphic units and time stratigraphic unit. 地質年代單位、岩石地層單位、年代地層單位。
- General was wrong, The Terran had many more forces than he said they had. 將軍判斷錯了,那些人族擁有很多很多的部隊。
- Terran: Ghost's EMP + Stim Packed Marines + Medivacs would do very well. 人族:幽靈的EMP+升級了興奮劑的機槍兵+醫療運輸船,會很有效。
- How effective did you find the viking and reaper when playing terran? 問:當你玩人族的時候,你覺得維京戰機和收割者有用嗎?