- Good results were attained in the reform of the urban housing system. 城鎮住房制度改革取得明顯成效。
- A drastic reformation of the present housing system has been carried out. 目前的住房制度正在徹底改革。
- It incorporates a hous piping system which feeds the individual consumers and a supply piping system which delivers the water from the meter box to the house system. 系統包括向每個用戶供水的室內管道系統,一個將水從水表送至室內系統的給水管道系統。
- The programs for reforming the urban housing system and the system of medical insurance for urban workers are being implemented. 城鎮住房制度改革、城鎮職工醫療保險制度改革的方案正在實施。
- For new farms built around the country, the gestation and farrowing crates are by far the most common housing system for sows. 在美國這些新的大型豬場中,一般情況下妊娠和產仔的豬舍是最為常見的。
- The advance sale of commercial housing system in our country only has a little law to work. 我國現行法律制度對商品房預售制度只作了一般性的規定。
- It has the most prestigious business school in the world, a great housing system, and a diverse student body. 賓州大學擁有全世界最負盛名的商學院、良好的住宿制度,以及多樣化的學生群。
- With the reforming of China's housing system, housing has become the hot and heavy burden to urban residents. 自我國住宅制度改革以來,住房已經成為城市居民最關注的熱點和最沉重的包袱。
- Seen as a business with great potential for growth, the real estate market has boomed since the State Council abolished the welfare housing system. 房屋市場一直被看好,具有巨大發展潛力,國務院取消福利分房后,房地產市場已經趨於活躍。
- Rapid industrialized, restructuring of the pork industry has accelerated adoption of the crate as the standard housing system in the USA. 在快速的工業化發展下,以這種現代化的豬舍建造體系,加快了豬肉業的轉型。
- China's housing accumulation fund system from the early nineties of the last century the establishment of housing system reform is one of the measures. 我國的住房公積金制度從上世紀九十年代初開始建立,是住房制度改革的措施之一。
- We will deepen reform of the urban housing system to meet people's multilevel housing demand, and strive to ensure adequate housing for everyone. 深化城鎮住房制度改革,滿足居民多層次住房需求,努力實現居者有其屋的目標。
- Cheap rental housing system not only os inexpensively one kind of housing safeguard system, also is an important content of housing system reform. 摘要廉租住房制度既是一種住房保障制度,又是住房制度改革的一項重要內容。
- For this reason, Xie family brilliancy today made clear that the current focus of the new housing system is to fully implement the funding subsidies. 為此,謝家瑾今天在這裡明確提出,當前住房分配貨幣化的重點是要加緊全面落實補貼資金。
- Of these, 11 provinces, autonomous regions and cities at prefectural level and above all implementing low-cost housing system. 其中,11個省、自治區,地級以上城市全部實施了廉租住房制度。
- As essential part of Chinese housing system, the system of housing provident fund arouses concerns of all walks of life. 住房公積金制度作為我國住房體系中的重要組成部分受到了大量的關注。
- Under the new housing system in recent years pilot enterprises, further expand the pilot enterprises monetizing housing allocation. 根據近幾年企業住房分配貨幣化的試點情況,進一步擴大了企業住房分配貨幣化的試點。
- The benefits of old cadres are involved in college reforms of the personnel system,division system,housing system and system of medical care. 正在進行的高校人事制度改革、分配製度改革、醫療和住房制度改革等都涉及到老幹部的切身利益。
- But with the reforming of housing system and the developing of real estate market, gigantic change happened in the inhabitancy configuration of Chinese townsmen. 隨著住房制度的改革及房地產事業的發展,我國城市居民的居住結構發生了巨大變。