- strategy of China' s image 國家形象戰略
- The Development Strategy of China Bonds Market II. 中國債券市場發展戰略2。
- Research on Development Strategy of China's Processing Trade II. 我國加工貿易發展戰略研究2。
- Theory of post-colonialism culture and imagology of comparative literature are used to study Maugham』 s image of China. 本文運用了后殖民文化研究理論、比較文學形象學等方法,研究毛姆筆下的中國形象。
- This image is both the product of overall imagination of China in the Western society and the foreign country"s image made by Mandeville personally through some books experience. 這一形象既是西方社會對中國總體想象的產物,也是曼德維爾個人通過一些書本經驗而塑造的異域形象。
- Transnational operation of China"s banks is the important part of the strategy of "going out". 中國銀行跨國經營是我國「走出去」戰略的重要組成部分。
- The fifth part discuses development strategy of China retailing industry. 第五章探討了我國零售業的發展戰略。
- This paper researchs the decelopment strategy of China TieTong ChengDu Branch. 這也是本文所研究的主要課題。
- Today's problem is simply the natural culmination of China's deliberate development strategy of mercantilism. 今天的問題只不過是中國自覺選擇重商主義發展戰略的自然結果。
- Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中國的首都。
- Abstract: On Problems in Animal Husbandry Industry of China, Contraries Problems, According to Theory of System Science and Ecology, Exploring Strategy of Intercede and Control. 文摘:論述了我國目前畜牧業產業化發展中存在的幾個主要問題,針對問題,依據系統科學和生態學原理探討了宏觀調控方略。參4。
- Scientific evaluation of the agricultural eco environment of Guizhou can provide theoretical basis for regional development strategy of West of China. 科學地評價貴州的農業生態環境,可以為西部大開發中的區域發展戰略提供理論依據。
- October first is the National Day of China. 十月一日是中國的國慶節。
- The practices showed that coal water mixture technology is one of the important accesses to the sustainable development strategy of China energy. 實踐證明,水煤漿技術是實現中國能源可持續發展戰略的重要途徑之一。
- Xi'an is a city in the interior of China. 西安是一個內陸城市。
- GM's strategy of offering a multiplicity of brands started to fray. 通用汽車用不同檔次多種品牌「抱團」打天下的策略也開始受挫。
- Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. 北洋水師是中國最早的海軍部隊。
- The hydropower development of southwest area is very important for the energy strategy of China, in which the Yalong river is the most representative. 摘要西南地區水電開發對於實施我國能源戰略有重要意義,雅礱江流域在西南地區水電開發中又具有典型代表性。
- He is an eminent citizen of China. 他是一個傑出的中國公民。
- It is unwise to resolve the problem of lower effectiveness in health care systems of China by the strategy of government purchase. 結論把政府購買作為解決我國目前衛生補償效率低下等問題的主要戰略是不明智的;