- storm into sb's room 闖入某人的房間
- One day I entered Bi' s room, and ended up breaking into tears. 但有一天當我進入?房間時,我忍不住流淚了」。
- Fall into sb's hands eg. The town fell into enemy's hands. 那個小鎮落到敵人的手裡了。被敵人控制了。
- Olmert』s room to maneuver is limited. 奧爾默特的策略是有限的。
- Love can turn a storm into a breeze and a breeze into a storm. 愛能使暴雨化作輕風也能使輕風化作暴雨。
- Putting that carpet in the guard\'s room? 把那個毛毯放到警衛室里么?
- And the jester went to Lenore\'s room. 然後小丑去了麗諾兒的房間。
- John stormed into the meeting waving a piece of paper about. 約翰手中揮動著一張紙,怒氣沖沖地闖進了會議室。
- He stormed into the office, flourishing a letter of complaint. 他揮舞著一封投訴信衝進了辦公室。
- The soldiers stormed into the fort. 士兵們奮起沖入要塞。
- Three soldiers stormed into the house. 有三名士兵衝進了那所房子。
- Sarah' s mother was waiting in the passage outside the doctor' s room. 薩拉的母親正在醫生房間外的走廊等候。
- In one's childhood, a classmate goes up to old beggar body piddle, by teacher pour exhortation into sb's ear a long time. 小時候,一個同學向老乞丐身上撒尿,被老師耳提面命了半天。
- There s room n ths day for somethng else to be done - perhaps a harbour cruse. 這天還有些時間,可以去干點別的什麼,比如在海港坐坐遊艇。
- The mountain fir, in its rustling, modulates the memory of its fights with the storm into a hymn of peace. 峰頂的冷衫颯颯作響,把它與風暴抗爭的往事協奏成和平的聖詩。
- The teacher came storming into the classroom determined to punish the naughty children. 老師氣沖沖地闖進教室,決意要處罰頑皮的孩子們。
- In this way Pingya』s room had been fumigated before he was moved in. 不過手指頭的感覺很細微,可意會而不可言傳。
- She stormed into my office waving a newspaper. 她揮舞著一張報紙怒氣沖沖地闖進我的辦公室。
- Sure, there』s room for healthy skepticism.You can』t believe everything. 當然合理的懷疑論也應留有一席之地。
- Soldiers stormed into the city at dawn. 士兵們在拂曉時分攻進城裡。