- You look washed out; you had better stop working for the day. 你看來疲倦不堪,最好今天不要工作了。
- You looked washed out. You'd better stop working for the day. 看來你很疲勞,最好今天別幹了。
- Stop work for the day. 不工作。休息一天。
- Each has his quota of work for the day. 每個人的工作日都有定額。
- They were all knocked up with the day's work for the landlord. 給地主給幹了一天,他們都精疲力盡了。
- I'm going home now I've done my quota of work for the day. 我現在回家了--我已經完成了今天的工作定額.
- I'm going home now,I've done my quota of work for the day. 我現在要回家了,我已完成了今天的工作指標。
- Third, it can enable us to plan our work for the day. 再次,它使我們可以安排好一天的工作。
- When he finished his work for the day, Tom was off home like greased lightning. 做完一天的活后,湯姆下班飛快地跑回家。
- When he finished his work for the day,Tom was off home like greased lightning. 做完一天的活后,湯姆下班飛快地跑回家。
- I decided to drop in and visit my friend after I finished work for the day. 走訪,不預先通知的拜訪。
- Friday February 25 is the day in 2005 when the TUC estimates that people who do unpaid overtime will stop working for free and start to get paid. 2005年2月25日是英國勞工聯合會估計沒有報酬加班的人們應該停止加班並開始得到報酬的日子。
- We could undertake the work for the time being. 我們可暫時承擔這項工作。
- I share with two others in hire a car for the day. 我跟另外兩位分攤那天租車的費用。
- I want to work for the good of mankind. 我要為全人類的利益而工作。
- I must stop work for a minute and go and have a tinkle. 我必須停止工作一會兒去小便。
- The merchant's cash sales for the day were$300. 那商人一天有300元的現金售貨收入。
- The hooter went for the workers to stop work. 工人下班的汽笛響了。
- Both my parents work for the same broadcaster. 我父母在同一家電視台工作。
- He took in plenty of velvet when he work for the firm. 他替該公司工作時得到一大筆錢。