By using coils, balloons, particles or sclerosing agent, the interentional radiologist blocks the blood flow in the ein, which reduces pressure on the aricocele. 通過使用線圈,球囊,顆粒或硬化劑,介入放射學家可以阻斷靜脈的血流,從而可以降低精索曲張靜脈的壓力。
In this study, we treat the PWS lesions with sclerosing agent injection first for several times, and then combine with dye laser treatment to get better results. 本研究利用硬化劑在血管紅色母斑做病灶內注射之後,再合併染料雷射治療,預期能得到比原先用單純的染料雷射治療有更好的療效。