- Many have a succulent growth form with swollen stems or leaves. 有很多種類的鹽土植物具有肥厚的莖葉,屬於肉質植物。
- Page: One side of a sheet or leaf of book, periodical, etc.A sheet or leaf consists of two pages. 頁(版):一張紙(或書本、雜誌內的一張紙)的一面。一張紙有兩面頁(版)。
- A stem or main axais of a herbaceous plant. 莖,干:草本植物的莖或主梗。
- rhombicleaf rhynchosia stem or leaf 山黃豆藤
- On the other side of the page or leaf. 在頁后在書頁的另一面或頁后
- Stem and leaf of Stellera chamaejasme L. 狼毒莖葉
- Next to or facing the main stem or axis. 近莖軸一側的緊挨著主莖或軸的,面向主莖或軸的
- Still others have searched the world over for berries, flowers or leaves of high xanthophyll content. 還有其他人在世界各地尋找含有大量葉黃素的漿果、花或葉。
- Having a stem or stems of the specified type. 具有某種莖、干、梗或柄的。
- Shaped like a sword, as the leaf of an iris. 劍形的,如鳶尾屬植物的葉子
- No, not unless the unsaved partner makes the marriage relationship intolerable or leaves of his or her own accord. 不,除非未得救的配偶自動離棄家庭,否則,他們的婚姻依然有效。
- Of, relating to, or resembling the leaf of a plant. 葉的植物的葉子具有的或有關、似植物葉子的
- Thallus A plant body undifferentiated into stem, root, or leaf. 無根、莖、葉分化的植物體。
- A minute projection on the surface of a stigma, petal, or leaf. 乳突花柱頭、花瓣或葉子表面上細小的隆起物
- A small protuberance on a stem or branch, sometimes enclosed in protective scales and containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower. 芽,萌芽莖或枝上小的隆起物,有時被包在保護性的介殼中,內中有未發育的根、葉子或花
- Let's take leave of the topic and turn to another. 這個問題就說到這裡吧,現在來談談另一個話題。
- The leaves of the book had yellowed with age. 書頁因年久而變黃。
- The pith in the stems or roots of certain plants. 木髓某些植物莖或根中之髓質
- Shoes made of cattail stems and leaves were popular. 當時出現了和時裝配套的「時裝鞋」。
- Of or relating to a leaf or leaves. 葉的葉子的或有關葉子的