- It trends nearly E-W and is a dissymmetrical anticline belt with steep dip angle in the north limb and gentle in the south. 該構造帶走向近東西,為北陡南緩兩翼不對稱的隆起帶,上部發育「塌陷式」地塹斷裂系統。
- Alteration mylonite gold deposit, which is steeply dipping and narrow vein together. 河台金礦開採急傾斜、薄礦體、礦岩中等穩固的蝕變糜棱岩型金礦床。
- Resuing is used for mining the steeply dipping narrow-vein in the Shangzhou Gold Mine of Shaanxi,has made great success and excellent economic effect. 陝西商州市金礦採用削壁充填採礦法開採急傾斜薄礦脈,獲得成功,取得良好的經濟效益。
- Relationship between height of inbreak zone and fracture zone and dip angle of steeply dipping coal seam has been discussed. 急傾斜煤層中冒落帶和裂隙帶高度隨煤層傾角變化的規律已被褐示[7]。
- Steeply dipping narrow deposits was stoped in the conditions of steady ore-rock,but partial unsteady becase split and jointed development. 自建礦以來一直採用淺眼留礦為主要回採方法,在減損降貧、間柱回採以及解決留礦采場中出現「空洞」等問題,作了很多試驗,具有許多特點。
- The gold rich ore bodies occurrs in the winding part of NNE trending fractures on strike and transforming part from steeply dipping to gently dipping on dip direction. 富金礦體在走向上一般分佈於NNE向斷裂的轉折地段 ,傾向上分佈於斷裂產狀由陡變緩的過渡部位。
- Though it is roughly recognizable for the outlines of regional structure and volcanic rocks, the images of steep dip strata and boundary of volcanic rock are smeared. 雖然區域構造與火山岩的複合發育區的基本輪廓可被識別,但陡傾角地層的反射成像不清晰,火山岩地層邊界模糊。
- The main reservoir spaces in Archean are mainly tensional,steeply dipped fractures oriented in NE and NW directions and micro-cracks formed in the middle or the Late Mesozoic. 茨榆坨潛山儲集空間主要是裂縫和微裂隙,太古界儲層主要發育北東向和北西向兩組裂縫,以高角度張性裂縫為主,形成於中生代中、晚期;
- rock stratum with steep dip angle 陡傾角岩層
- thin and thick seam with steep dip 急傾斜較薄厚煤層
- The method presented in this article for migrating data with steep dips is very efficient and easily implemented. 本文提出的大傾角差分偏移方法十分有效且容易實現。
- The main reservoir spaces in Archean are mainly tensional, steeply dipped fractures oriented in NE and NW directions and micro-cracks formed in the middle or the Late Mesozoic. 茨榆坨潛山儲集空間主要是裂縫和微裂隙,太古界儲層主要發育北東向和北西向兩組裂縫,以高角度張性裂縫為主,形成於中生代中、晚期;
- I need to sit down and rest my weary limbs. 我要坐下歇歇腿。
- The workers saw off a limb from the tree. 工人從樹上鋸下了一根大樹枝。
- steeply dipping seam group with special thick and flammable 大傾角特厚易燃煤層群
- There was a steep climb on the road out of town. 市外公路上有一處很陡的上坡路。
- He cut the dead limbs off the tree. 他將樹上的枯枝砍去。
- On a hot day a dip in the sea is sheer paradise. 熱天洗個海水澡是十分令人愜意的事。
- Do you think you can climb that steep cliff? 你以為你能爬上那座懸崖峭壁嗎?
- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 讓茶葉在滾開的水中浸泡五分鐘。