- steam turbine's flow part 通流部分
- Cause Analysis of Cracks in Steam Turbine. 汽輪機轉子裂紋原因分析及運行安全措施。
- High-speed flow of steam turbine rotor rotation, the formation of mechanical energy. 高速流動的蒸汽推動汽輪機轉子轉動,形成機械能。
- In a steam turbine, steam from pipes is directed onto the blades. 渦輪機內的蒸汽從管內導至葉片上。
- This paper analysed reason that solidified water s oxygen content overproof on C100/N125 steam turbine and put forward remalee method for system. 對C100/N125型汽輪機凝結水含氧量超標的原因進行了分析,提出了系統的改造方法。
- The paper introduces the analysis of 500MW steam turbine low pressure cylinder clapboard s cracks and introduces the way to settle it. 對某發電廠500MW汽輪機低壓缸40級隔板中分面出現的裂紋進行了分析,並介紹了處理情況,確定了正確合理的補焊方案及工藝,供鑄鐵件補焊修復缺陷時參考。
- A condensing steam turbine from which a significant part of steam is extracted for needs other than the generation of electricity. 抽出部分蒸汽供作發電以外其他用途的凝汽式汽輪機。
- Tnis measure method supplies reliable data for security analysis and designing installed flange of steam turbine' s vane. 此項技術可為汽輪機葉片安裝輪緣的設計和安全性分析提供可靠依據。
- Forecast of Market Development for Industrial Steam Turbine. 工業汽輪機市場需求結構與預測。
- The steam turbine is less economical at cruising speed. 汽輪機的巡航經濟性較差。
- In addition, a hot-bulb anemometer is used to measure the air』s flow rate. 另外,還用熱球風速儀測定了絲管式冷凝器周圍空氣的流動速度。
- DEH is the model form of modern steam turbine control system . 數字電液控制系統DEH(Digital Electro-Hydraulic Control System)是現代汽輪機控制系統的典型形式。
- The uprating of a steam turbine power output will necessitate the increase in area of the turbine last-stage flow path and an enhancement in blade corrosion-resistance. 增大汽輪機的單機功率,就要求增大其末級通流部分尺寸和葉片的抗腐蝕性能。
- Composed of fume turbine, steam turbine, axial flow compressor and isochronous motor/generator, the energy reclaiming set system has become one of the kernel equipments. 由煙氣輪機,汽輪機,軸流壓縮機和電動/發電機組成的能量回收機組已成為大型煉油廠的核心設備之一。
- To the embrittlement phenomenon of steam turbine rotor, this thesis calculated 300MW steam turbine rotor"s transient temperature field of cold start-up using FEA method. 本文針對汽輪機轉子的脆化現象,運用有限元方法對引進型300MW汽輪機冷態啟動過程的高中壓轉子瞬態溫度場進行了分析計算。
- It involves a gross shifting of attention that disrupts a user』s flow and forces him into a new context. 在窗口之間導航涉及注意力的整體轉移。 這會打斷用戶的流,強迫他們進入新的情境。
- Abstract: The uprating of a steam turbine power output will necessitate the increase in area of the turbine last-stage flow path and an enhancement in blade corrosion-resistance. 文摘:增大汽輪機的單機功率,就要求增大其末級通流部分尺寸和葉片的抗腐蝕性能。
- Analyzes the two-stage refrigeration dehumidification,also improves the system s flow and configuration. 對兩級冷凍除濕過程進行分析,並對系統流程和結構進行改進。
- The TG70 steam turbine has a operation speed of9600 rotations per minute( RPM). TG70型蒸汽透平的運轉速度為每分鐘9600轉。