- China State Owned Forest Farm Development Corp. 中國國營林場開發總公司。
- That was a large scale state owned enterprise. 那是一個大型國有企業。
- How Will the State Owned Enterprises Strive for Talents? 國企如何應對人才爭奪戰?
- Under these systems, the state owns all property. 在這樣的制度下,國家控制所有財產。
- State owned enterprise reform has been deepened and industrial restructuring is getting faster. 國有企業改革不斷深化,產業改組步伐加快。
- Why Are State Owned Grain Processing Enterprises Beaten by Private Ones in The Contest? 糧食加工企業:國字型大小緣何不敵個體戶?
- What are the stipulations about fixed years at state owned land usage right remising? 關於國有土地使用權的出讓年限有何規定?
- Many European MNCs especially those in energy-related industries, are already state owned. 很多歐洲的跨國公司特別是與能源有關的工業方面的跨國公司,已為國家所有。
- Yet by 1989 Carl Zeiss Jena was the largest of East Germany's 120 state owned corporations (Kombinate). 但是到1989年時,耶拿東蔡仍然是東德國有最大的120家公司(生產聯合體)之一。
- It is the feature in Chinese stock market, which the state owned share cant be circulated. 國有股占絕大比重但不能流通是中國證券市場的一大特點。
- A shared characteristic on Shanghai's dazzling cityscape: seed money from Chinese state owned banks and companies. 上海令人眩目的城市風景擁有一個共同的特症:資金都來自於中國國有銀行和企業。
- The countermeasures of preventing the loss of state owned assets are proposed from macrocosmic and microcosmic aspects. 主要分析了國有資產管理的現狀,從宏觀與微觀兩個方面提出了防止國有資產流失的策略。
- In the area of stock listing,private enterprise should enjoy equal opportunity which was enjoyed by the state owned enterprise. 在股票上市方面,民營企業應享有與國有企業同等的機會。
- The reform of state owned enterprise,the economic restructuring and the science and technology progress would be our priority. 突出抓好國有企業改革、經濟結構調整和科技進步。
- In order to revitalize the state owned assets, it is necessary to reorganize the state owned assets and establish a flowing mechanism of capital. 盤活國有資產,要建立國有資產重組與流動的資本機制。
- Currently in the state owned Business Banks the loan rate is descending. Under the circumstances, there are still three big contradictions to surmount. 當前 ,在國有商業銀行不良貸款率趨於下降的情況下 ,仍然存在著三大矛盾需要克服。
- The investment growth slows down and the state owned growth is slower than the non-state owned investment and the investment growth reliance on state debt is obviously increased. 投資增長緩慢,國有單位投資增長已慢於非國有單位投資,投資增長對國債的依賴程度明顯增強。
- Employment pressure is increased and the production and operation at some state owned enterprises are difficult with the number of laid off people rising. 就業壓力加大,部分國有企業生產經營困難,下崗人員增加。
- The protection too enjoyed by state owned enterprises too often result in an uneven plane field that can limit the benefits of foreign investment. 國有企業得到的保護經常導致競爭不公的局面的產生,這種局面會限制外資的利潤。
- The solely State owned commercial banks should issue loans to special projects which have been approved by the State Council. 經國務院批准的特定貸款項目,國有獨資商業銀行應當發放貸款。