- A subscriber' s line connected to an exchange other than the one that would normally provide service at the relevant address, usually in accordance with the subscriber' s wishes. 一種連接到交換機的客戶線路,這種交換機不是通常按照客戶希望在相關通信處提供服務的交換機。
- Especially for the story that grandma who is very poor, but she pawned her precious gift from her loved one just to satisfy her granddaughter』s wish. 特別是捉襟見肘的婆婆為滿足孫女的願望費盡周折,甚至不惜當掉自己定情物的感人情節,讓不少觀眾感動的流下眼淚。
- He considered it a sacred duty to fulfill his dead father' s wishes. 他認為實現父親的遺願是神聖的義務。
- In that state one has to pay taxes on both real and personal property. 在那個國家裡,動產和不動產都要納稅。
- Introduce the travel routes of Kunming, Mount Lushan, Chengde Summer Resort, and state one's own opinions. 介紹昆明,廬山,北戴河的旅遊線路,並說明自己的觀點。
- It is Kylin TV's wish to contribute to the work of spreading traditional Chinese culture around the world. 麒麟電視希望在弘揚中華文化上盡一些綿薄之力。」
- In such a state one could only think about the basic functions for survival: breathing, sleeping, eating, evacuating.Beginning to cry, Mr. 在這樣一個狀態里,一個人只能考慮生存的基本功能:呼吸,睡眠,飲食,排泄。
- Because of her mother』s wish, seeing her daughter』s marriage before she dies, she joins her cousin』s remarriage company as a member. 自己都沒有結婚,就連戀愛都失敗的少女,竟然走進了再婚的世界。
- Armani』s Aviator series sunglasses and Emporio Armani Sunglasses are in every fashion affectionate people』s wish list of fashion accessories. 宋襄公首先說:「諸侯都來了,我們會合於此,是仿效齊桓公的做法,訂立盟約,共同協助王室,停止相互間的戰爭,以定天下太平,各位認為如何?
- Inertial technology is transformed from platform system into strapdown system gradually, and gyroscope is changed from mechanical rotor model into solid state one. 慣性技術逐漸從平台系統過渡到捷聯繫統,從機械轉子型陀螺向固態陀螺發展。
- I am excited about the vision of Tahitian Noni International and the company』s wish to inspire others to make their dreams come true. 大溪地諾麗果汁已成為我平常保養過程中的重要角色" 布魯斯說:"它提升我的免疫系統,幫助我在大量訓練及比賽后的恢復,並且改善我的體力和體能表現。
- Since Master Faun start to write Buddhism and related books, people start to diversify their interest in his Super Vision Power and I believe that is not Master Faun』s wish. 此事屬實>否?因為有人提起馮馮的這個預言,並曲解為香港獨立運動的預言憑據之一。>現在小弟認為馮馮是預言香港的兩次七一大遊行,都在五十萬至一百萬之間。
- The designer』s wish was to create a living experience that fully mingles the interior and exterior.Nature saturates into the living fabric and becomes part of life. 設計師希望從大宅內部營塑自然況味與園區濃綠景色作呼應,構成室內外景緻相互套疊,與自然相擁的詩情畫意。
- The only other official comment, from the Foreign Ministry, offered the barest confirmation and repeated stock positions about China』s wish to keep space free of weapons. 在此之前,中國外交部在官方評論中只證實了那次試驗,並重申中國希望禁止在外太空部署武器。
- Matter can change from one state to another. 物質能從一種狀態變成另一種狀態。
- Maria Gunnoe of the Appalachian area of West Virginia in the United States one won from North America. 來自美國西弗吉尼亞州阿巴拉契亞地區的瑪利亞為美國獲得一枚獎章。
- The predominant influence of one state over others. 統治權一國對於他國之支配權力
- It was the RACC's wish to bring F1 back to Spain's spiritual home of motorsport on a permanent basis and the Circuit de Catalunya has hosted every Spanish GP since it was completed in 1991. 本田車手魯本斯巴里切羅連續第二次獲得積分,而另一位車手簡森巴頓卻因引擎故障而退賽,而此前巴頓的位置也非常好,很有可能取得積分。
- Whitman) run in the United States one of the three major lyric poet immortalized. 她詩風獨特,以文字細膩、觀察敏銳、意象突出著稱。
- Chairman NTSB JimHall kills black label aerial of current United States one of 3 big calamity. NTSB主席JimHall將烏害列為當今美國航空的三大災難之一。