- Here, in memory of my friend Prof.GP's piece. 世上最美的東西是人的感覺。
- In that state one has to pay taxes on both real and personal property. 在那個國家裡,動產和不動產都要納稅。
- Introduce the travel routes of Kunming, Mount Lushan, Chengde Summer Resort, and state one's own opinions. 介紹昆明,廬山,北戴河的旅遊線路,並說明自己的觀點。
- Shells and spare parts from in one foundry did not always fit another foundry』s pieces, even if the calibre was nominally identical. 某個兵工廠鑄造的炮彈和零件可能並不適合其它兵工廠生產的火炮,哪怕它們口徑相當。
- In such a state one could only think about the basic functions for survival: breathing, sleeping, eating, evacuating.Beginning to cry, Mr. 在這樣一個狀態里,一個人只能考慮生存的基本功能:呼吸,睡眠,飲食,排泄。
- Inertial technology is transformed from platform system into strapdown system gradually, and gyroscope is changed from mechanical rotor model into solid state one. 慣性技術逐漸從平台系統過渡到捷聯繫統,從機械轉子型陀螺向固態陀螺發展。
- Waxes for Electron Wafer Binding: Waxes for Electron Wafer Binding,mainly used in precision process of micro electron wafer (U piece,S piece or SMD piece),excellent strong adhesive ability,no scathe to element ,cleanup easily after process. 電子晶片粘接蠟系列:主要用於微電子矽片或石英晶片(U片、S片或SMD片)的精密加工,具有極強的附著力,對元件無任何損傷,使用后易去除。
- Matter can change from one state to another. 物質能從一種狀態變成另一種狀態。
- The Tongrentang (Bozhou)'s Pieces have been recognized as state-level agricultural industrialization leading enterprises. 其中,同仁堂(亳州)飲片公司被認定為國家級農業產業化龍頭企業。
- Maria Gunnoe of the Appalachian area of West Virginia in the United States one won from North America. 來自美國西弗吉尼亞州阿巴拉契亞地區的瑪利亞為美國獲得一枚獎章。
- The predominant influence of one state over others. 統治權一國對於他國之支配權力
- Whitman) run in the United States one of the three major lyric poet immortalized. 她詩風獨特,以文字細膩、觀察敏銳、意象突出著稱。
- Chairman NTSB JimHall kills black label aerial of current United States one of 3 big calamity. NTSB主席JimHall將烏害列為當今美國航空的三大災難之一。
- "As a disseminator of the news," states one of those principles, "the paper shall observe the decencies that are obligatory upon a private gentleman. 其中就有一條「作為新聞的傳播者,報紙理應讓那些正經的紳士表現得更得體。」
- A built bill to place new restrictions on the credit card industry in the United States one won final proval approval this week on congressin Congress. 一部將要對美國信用卡行業有新的限制的法案在本周的國會上贏得了最後的通過。
- impatient to state one's position 急於表態
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 從經濟學的觀點來說,國家處於很興旺的狀態之中。
- Stating one's accomplishments can be helpful, but when it's overfinished, the candidate can coming through as narcissistic, a huge changingoff for employers, Flagg says. Flagg說列舉所取得的成績是會有用,但是假如做得過分,會給招工打工人們留下「自我陶醉」的印相。這會讓僱主很掃興。
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故鄉所在的州去發表演說。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇關於道路狀況的報告。