- In Snelling』s case, one of those is the cultural gap between east and west. 翠茜作品中表達的內容之一就是東西方的文化鴻溝。
- Unfortunately, Sun' s case does not stand alone. 不幸的是,這種事件並不只是發生在孫女士身上。
- Unfortunately, sun. s case does not stand alone. 不幸的是,這種事件並不只是發生在孫女士身上。
- How good is Cleanthes』s case that the whole universe is one vast machine, composed in turn of lesser machines? 克里安堤斯將宇宙比喻為一由較小機器組成的龐大機械組織,你覺得這種說法適當嗎?
- In that state one has to pay taxes on both real and personal property. 在那個國家裡,動產和不動產都要納稅。
- Li Yi' s case, mentioned in Chapter 7, presents such a dilemma. 比如說書中所提到的李易的例子就是一種兩難抉擇。
- However, a moral disproportion also obtains in N's case. 但是,道德失衡也可能在N的案子中出現。
- In Med-Health Pharma』s case, a taggant is involved. 在醫學衛生醫藥的情況下,標籤是參與。
- For China"s case, on one hand, the acclimatizing process of the Chinese economy to the global economic system seems to speed up after China"s accession to the WTO. 一方面,加入WTO后,我國融入世界經濟體系的進程加快,長期計劃經濟體制下形成的以城市和行政區為單元的自閉式經濟發展模式,必將受到經濟全球化和區域化的衝擊。
- Introduce the travel routes of Kunming, Mount Lushan, Chengde Summer Resort, and state one's own opinions. 介紹昆明,廬山,北戴河的旅遊線路,並說明自己的觀點。
- In such a state one could only think about the basic functions for survival: breathing, sleeping, eating, evacuating.Beginning to cry, Mr. 在這樣一個狀態里,一個人只能考慮生存的基本功能:呼吸,睡眠,飲食,排泄。
- Da tells Yu they are reopening her mother』s case, and Yuan will be retried. 劉檢告訴小羽,媽媽的案子要重啟調查,並且再次訊問吳振源。
- But the scandal over Mr Grasso's pay has hardly helped the exchange''s case. 我也增補一點吧,Andrew Lo的中文名字叫做羅聞全,只是增補了猶如也沒什麼意義,權做枯燥吧。
- Inertial technology is transformed from platform system into strapdown system gradually, and gyroscope is changed from mechanical rotor model into solid state one. 慣性技術逐漸從平台系統過渡到捷聯繫統,從機械轉子型陀螺向固態陀螺發展。
- Apply the descriptive, normative, and metaethic approaches of business ethics to this chapter' s case study. 用描述法、規範法和轉變倫理法來分析本規則的案例。
- Accord ing to thi s case,we may make the analysis with thought recog nition,teaching materials and teac hing method. 根據這一情況,我們可以從思想認識、教材和教學方法等方面加以改革。
- In Internode』s case, the ISP is combining its rollout with the launch of its naked DSL service early this year. 在間的情況下,互聯網服務供應商相結合,是其推出與推出其赤裸裸的DSL服務,在今年年初。
- Matter can change from one state to another. 物質能從一種狀態變成另一種狀態。
- Maria Gunnoe of the Appalachian area of West Virginia in the United States one won from North America. 來自美國西弗吉尼亞州阿巴拉契亞地區的瑪利亞為美國獲得一枚獎章。
- The predominant influence of one state over others. 統治權一國對於他國之支配權力