- The regular operation of the meteorological satellite ground application system, in particular, has greatly improved the accuracy of forecasting disastrous weather and significantly reduced the economic losses of the state and people from such weather. 特別是衛星氣象地面應用系統的業務化運行,極大地提高了對災害性天氣預報的準確性,使國家和人民群眾的經濟損失有了明顯的減少。
- The regular operation of the meteorological satellite ground application system,in particular,has greatly improved the accuracy of forecasting disastrous weather and significantly reduced the economic losses of the state and people from such weather. 特別是衛星氣象地面應用系統的業務化運行,極大地提高了對災害性天氣預報的準確性,使國家和人民群眾的經濟損失有了明顯的減少。
- The State meteorological organ shall provide necessary meteorological data to civil aviation meteorological organ. 國家氣象機構應當對民用航空氣象機構提供必要的氣象資料。
- This image of Earth's city lights was created with data from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS). 明亮的地域是城市化地區,但不一定是人口密集地區(比較歐洲和中國、印度可知)。
- With the background of the next generation of geostationary orbit meteorological satellite,the effect of payload mirror motion and solar array stepping motion are studied. 以中國下一代靜止軌道氣象衛星為對象,分析了有效載荷掃描鏡運動和太陽翼步進運動對衛星姿態的影響。
- Abstract: FY-1 meteorological satellite is the first sun-synchronous earth-pointing three-axis stabilized remote sensing satellite launched successfully in China. 摘 要: 風雲一號氣象衛星是我國最早成功發射的太陽同步三軸穩定對地遙感衛星。
- The ships are also equipped with a range of weather forecasting equipments including weather radar, sonde, and weather balloon, meteorological satellite image receiving terminal. 測量船也裝備多種天氣預報裝置包括天氣雷達、探測裝置和氣象氣球,氣象衛星圖像接收終端機。
- An important step in deriving winds from geostationary meteorological satellite data is selecting the clouds which move slowly and go with the wind, which is called tracers. 摘要雲跡風反演中的一項很重要的工作是選取隨風移動、變化緩慢的雲,即示蹤雲。
- Daily Report and Forecast of Air Quality State Environmental Protection Administration and State Meteorological Agency have jointly carried out air quality forecast in 47 key environmental protection cities in the entire country. 空氣質量日報和預報國家環保總局和中國氣象局聯合在全國47個環保重點城市開展了空氣質量預報工作。
- The tests show that the method developed in this paper would be useful and practical for VISSR focusing control of the geostationary meteorological satellite on the orbit. 根據傅里葉光學中調製傳遞函數的理論分析了可見、紅外自旋掃描輻射計(VISSR)成像光學系統的性質,並提出調焦的判據和方法。
- The paper discussed a method which automatically detect cloud in polar orbit meteorological satellite images by using visual band reflectance and thermal infrared bright temperature. 本文探討了利用極軌氣象衛星圖像可見光波段的反射率和熱紅外波段的亮溫信息進行雲自動檢測的方法。
- Others are weather or meteorological satellites, launched to monitor the state of the atmosphere and to follow the movement of the clouds as they gather. 有些則是天氣或氣象衛星,發射升空用於監測大氣狀況,並在雲層形成後跟蹤其運動軌跡。
- Hourly cloud pictures received from the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency give general indications of tropical cyclones,severe storms and frontal systems approaching the south China coast. 天文台每小時接收由日本氣象廳的地球同步氣象衛星拍攝的衛星雲圖。這些圖像可以顯示逼近華南沿岸的熱帶氣旋、強烈風暴和鋒面系統。
- The paper is devoted to the comparison of cloud motion wind generated by a CWIS (cloud motion wind inferring system) to that by JMSC (Japan Meteorological Satellite Center) and radiosoundings. 將雲跡風微機導出系統(cloudmotionwindinferingsystem,CWIS)生成的雲跡風資料與日本氣象衛星中心(Japanmeteorologicalsatelitecenter,JMSC)雲跡風資料和無線電探空風資料進行了對比。
- In geostationary meteorological satellite systems raw data obtained from visible infrared spin-scan radiometer (VISSR) has to be synchronized and buffered before it is sent to data processing center(OPC). 在靜止氣象衛星系統中,從可見光與紅外自旋一掃描輻射計(V1SSR)獲得的原始數據首先要進行同步和緩衝,才能送向數據處理中心(DPC)。
- The ground application system of the FY-2 geostationary meteorological satellite is summarized, which consists of command data acquisition station,data processing center and satellite operational and control center. 簡要介紹了「風雲二號」靜止氣象衛星的地面應用系統、主要包括指令控制與數據接收站、數據處理中心、衛星運行控制中心三大組成部分以及三者之間的信息流程,最後介紹了由該系統輸出的氣象產品。
- Hourly cloud pictures received from the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite of the Japan Meteorological Agency give general indications of tropical cyclones, severe storms and frontal systems approaching the south China coast. 天文台每小時接收由日本氣象廳的地球同步氣象衛星拍攝的衛星雲圖。 這些圖像可以顯示逼近華南沿岸的熱帶氣旋、強烈風暴和鋒面系統。
- state meteorological administration 國家氣象局
- The infrared detectors made in the department mostly are used in the FY meteorological satellite series.And the detectors have awarded Shanghai Technology Progress Prize for their eminent achievement. 本室研製的紅外探測器大部分應用於風雲系列氣象衛星的設備上,其成果獲得上海市科學技術進步獎。
- France in 1980 was first discovered through the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Pass updraft. 1980年法國最先通過氣象衛星發現了嘉峪關上升氣流。