- State control has other pernicious effects. 國家管理還有另一個壞處。
- This provides legiti-macy for state control. 這種公共性為政府的管制奠定了合法性的基礎。
- There should be control figures and an allotment of quotas. 要有控制數字,攤派下去。
- State Socialism advocates state control of industry. 國家社會主義主張工業應由國家管理.
- True blues like my grandfather won't tolerate any sort of state control. 像我祖父這類反對變革的人物不會容忍任何形式的國家控制。
- We should allot quotas reasonably and have control figures, otherwise we shall be working without clear aims. 合理攤派,控制數字,不然工作時心中無數。
- The ideology and practice of the Nazis, especially the policy of racist nationalism, national expansion, and state control of the economy. 納粹主義納粹黨的意識和實施,尤其是種族國家主義,國家擴張,政府控制經濟的政策
- Being active and steady entails setting control figures, assigning tasks and then checking whether they are fulfilled. 積極、穩步就是要有控制數字,派任務,爾後再檢查完成沒有。
- State controlled socialism is communism. 受約束的國家社會主義叫共產主義。
- Across South America, governments chose state control as the way to modernize. 南非政府選擇國家控制作為實現現代化的方式。
- All products of SOUNDFORCE are use aurum high-class copper plate. Its attractive appe-arance is made of full-automatism importation hardware control figures. 力聲所有產品使用的鈑金全部是高品質的冷扎鋼板,美觀、精確的成品外型都是經過成套進口全自動數字控制的五金加工設備系統製造。
- During 1997,501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達501次。
- During 1998,816 port state control inspections were conducted on the foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九八年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達816次。
- Private sector: the part of the national economy not under direct state control. 似乎譯為私營經濟更好。
- During 1997, 501 port state control inspections were conducted on foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九七年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達501次。
- During 1998, 816 port state control inspections were conducted on the foreign merchant ships visiting Hong Kong. 一九九八年內,海事處對抵港的外來商船所進行的港口國監督檢查,共達816次。
- Power system, the LED flashes two tubes that enter the working state control circuit. 系統上電后,發光兩級管閃爍,表明控制電路進入工作狀態。
- The presumption of state control under the rubric of 「African socialism」 (an illusory third way) has been junked. 以「非洲社會主義」為紅色標題的國家管控假想已經卡殼了,那只是幻想中的第三種路線。
- State controls have often been imposed sporadically in the past to damp prices. 國家對價格實施控制以平抑物價以往只是零星現象。
- Unarguably, it remains a place where companies face heavy direct and indirect state control. 但是不可爭辯的事實是,企業依然面臨嚴格的政府控制,這些控制有直接的,也有間接的。