- He was out of work for three years and did not qualify for state aid, so that he was practically on the bread line. 他失業3年了,沒資格享受州政府用於地方公共事業的補助費,所以他實際上已在領取救濟食品的行列之中。
- Farmers elsewhere may be unhealthily dependent on state aid. 歐洲以外的農民也許病態地依靠國家補助。
- He was out of work for three years and did not qualify for state aid,so that he was practically on the bread line. 他失業3年了,沒資格享受州政府用於地方公共事業的補助費,所以他實際上已在領取救濟食品的行列之中。
- These findings are contained in the European Commission's first "state aid scoreboard" dedicated to the 10 new members. 這些都被記錄在歐盟委員會專門為10個新成員國準備的首份「國家補助記分牌」上。
- Some carriers are being propped up by state aid, in particular in parts of Asia and the Middle East. 一些運營商獲得了政府援助的支撐,特別是中東及亞洲部分地區的運營商。
- State aid rules that prevent the promotion of national industrial champions are being cheerfully trashed. 阻礙國家冠軍企業發展的國家援助規定正在被興高采烈地拋入垃圾箱。
- The furore rumbled on over bonuses paid at Wall Street companies that have received state aid. 由於一些得到國家緊急救助的華爾街公司仍然大量發放獎金,美國國內輿論一片嘩然。
- However, AUA said that the capital increase proposed to the EGM was not related to the state aid. 然而,澳航宣稱,此次提交特別大會的增資議案與官方補貼無關。
- Commerzbank, its local rival,wow power leveling, reached agreement recently with the government for more state aid. 該行的國內競爭對手德國商業銀行近期與政府達成協議以獲取更多的政府救助。
- Commerzbank, its local rival, reached agreement recently with the government for more state aid. 該行的國內競爭對手德國商業銀行近期與政府達成協議以獲取更多的政府救助。
- The government instead put several of Mr.Deripaska's companies, including GAZ, on the list of businesses in line for state aid. 相反,政府把包括GAZ在內的德里帕斯卡名下的數家企業列入了等待政府救助的名單。
- The Swedes insisted that any bank getting state aid recognize all expected losses before approaching the government for capital. 瑞典當時堅持要求,任何接受政府救助的銀行在找政府獲取資本援助之前,都必須承認所有的預期損失。
- An Indian woman paid just two rupees( four US cents) in compensation for damage to her coconut groves by tsunami waves has angrily returned the state aid. 一位只獲得兩盧比(美分)償其遭海嘯巨浪損壞之椰子園的印度婦人,氣憤地退回這筆國家救助。
- An Indian woman paid just two rupees (four US cents) in compensation for damage to her coconut groves by tsunami waves has angrily returned the state aid. 一位只獲得兩盧比(四美分)補償其遭海嘯巨浪損壞之椰子園的印度婦人,氣憤地退回這筆國家救助。
- In the past, Japan's policy makers have prodded healthier companies to lead the way in accepting state aid, to remove the stigma that might keep others from doing so. 日本決策者以前曾鼓勵狀況較好的公司帶頭接受政府救助,藉以澄清受助的「污名」,其它公司可能會因擔心這一點而拒絕救助。
- The objectives of reversing the damaging effects of state aid on competition and of ensuring that bailed-out firms have viable business plans are not controversial. (其)扭轉(干涉)競爭的國家救助(產生)的破壞性影響和確保被救助公司有可行性商業計劃的兩個目標沒有爭議。
- Hope for United States aid played a great part in the jockeying between contending factions. 爭取獲得美援的希望,大大促進了各派系的相互傾軋。
- Some German officials, including Economy Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, and GM high-level executives held a meeting on March 6th.They discussed whether to grant state aid to Opel. 包括德國經濟部長古滕貝格爾在內的一些德國政府官員和通用汽車高管6號舉行了會議,討論了德國政府是否救助歐寶的問題。
- Sweden guaranteed its entire banking system, insuring creditors and depositors -- but not shareholders -- against losses and eventually doled out state aid then equivalent to 4% of the nation's GDP. 瑞典政府於是對整個銀行系統提供了擔保,確保債權人和儲戶(不包括股票持有人)不會蒙受損失,最終動用的資金相當於其國內生產總值的4%25。
- For a start, national champions are not always as durable as they appear, even when politicians, press and public are all clamouring for an institution to be rescued with copious state aid. 一開始,「國家之最」都不會長久,就算政客,媒體和公眾們呼籲要國家投入大筆資金拯救某一機構。