- Minimum steady speed operation test for main engine 主機最低穩定工作轉速試驗
- Parallel-running test for main generator. 主發電機並聯運行試驗。
- Shall we begin the starting test for the generator now? 現在是否可以進行發電機動車試驗?
- Taking part in starting test for pump, compressor, seal oil system etc. Being sure they can work normally before running. 參與壓縮機、泵、密封油的試車工作,確保各種動設備能夠正常的使用。
- measurement for main engine chock 主機墊片測量
- Cast resin chocks for main engine 樹脂墊塊材料
- IC remote control system for main engine 集成電路主機遙控系統
- Adjustment for main engine heat expansion 主機熱膨脹調整
- Remote starting and alarm test for steering gear motor. 舵角電動機遙控起動和報警試驗。
- The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribes. 能否抗拒賄賂對於警察是決定性的考驗。
- Function test of remote control system of main engine. 主機遙控系統性能試驗。
- Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude? 這台設備測定了其機械適應性了嗎?
- Automatic alarm for main engine and auxiliary engine 主輔機自動報警裝置
- He used different methods to test for allergies. 他用不同的方法測定變態反應性。
- Before starting test all needle valves must be closed. 在開始檢測之前,所有閥門都必須關閉。
- The tests for hepatitis were negative. 肝炎檢查結果是陰性。
- Skimming for Main ideas of Articles. 捕捉文章中心思想。
- Before starting test, all needle valves on test kit must be closed. 在開始檢測前,檢測組件上的所有針形閥都必須關閉。
- It is used to control the main engine. 船長:這個是控制主機的。
- Overhauling main engine after sea trial. 主機航行試驗后的拆檢。