- The country would certainly take up arms in its defence. 這個國家肯定要武裝起來進行自衛。
- They took up arms in defence of their country. 他們拿起武器保衛祖國。
- They should never take up arms to fight. 他們決不應拿起武器進行戰鬥。
- We will take up arms against the invading forces. 我們會拿起武器,抵抗侵略勢力。
- The people were quick to take up arms to defend their homeland. 人民迅速拿起武器保衛自己的祖國。
- The country would certainly take up arms in its own defence. 這個國家一定會拿起武器捍衛自己。
- Should we take up arms to fight against the slavery? 我們應該那起武器和奴隸製做鬥爭嗎?
- The British colonies took up arms for independence against the mother country. 英國殖民地為了捍衛它們的獨立,武裝起來反對宗主國。
- The people were called on to take up arms to defend their freedom. 號召人民拿起武器保衛自由。
- Body for the soul of chaos, to take up arms to destroy them! 屍魂作亂,拿起武器消滅他們!
- He called on the people to take up arms to defend their freedom. 他號召人民拿起武器保衛自由。花園裡開滿鮮花。
- Extraterrestrial alien invasion, take up arms to defend themselves! 外星異形入侵了,拿起武器來保衛自己吧!
- The low turnout of Sunnis at the election has sparked fears that, feeling excluded from the future of the nation, they might take up arms and a civil war will ensue. 而遜尼派的大選投票率之低已經引起了擔憂,即感到被排除在國家未來之外的他們,可能會拿起武器,隨之便會出現內戰。
- The oppressed people will take up arms and will never appeal for mercy. 被壓迫人民將拿起武器,他們永遠不會乞求憐憫。
- You took up arms for political change. 您使用武力來改變政治形勢,那不是僵化嗎?
- Finally they took up arms to defend themselves. 最後他們拿起武器進行自衛。
- The peasants took up arms against the dictator. 農民們拿起武器反抗獨裁者。
- Let the people of the whole country mobilize,take up arms and join the War of Resistance. Let those with strength contribute strength,those with money contribute money,those with guns contribute guns,and those with knowledge contribute knowledge. 全中國人民動員起來,武裝起來,參加抗戰,實行有力出力,有錢出錢,有槍出槍,有知識出知識。
- Secondly,the people must be granted freedom of speech,freedom of the press,and freedom of assembly and association and the right to take up arms against the enemy,so that the war will acquire a mass character. 第二、允許人民以言論、出版、集會、結社和武裝抗敵的自由,使戰爭帶著群眾性。
- The unions have threatened to take up arms against the government's proposed wages policy. 工會威脅說要拿起武器反對政府提出的工資政策。