- Matches any white space character including space, tab, form-feed, and so on. 匹配任何空白字元,包括空格、製表符、換頁符等。
- If the first character is white space, that white space character is ignored and the rest of the line is processed. 如果第一個字元為空白,則忽略此空白字元並處理該行的剩餘部分。
- In a tokenized type, the parser will normalize all white space to a single space character and will eliminate leading and trailing white space altogether. 在標記化類型中,分析器將使所有空白標準化為單個空格字元,並將前導和尾隨空白一同刪除。
- White space includes the space character as well as tab characters, newline characters, and so on. 空白包括空格、製表符、換行符等。組成空白的字元是那些由。
- Scans a string to determine whether it contains white space characters. 掃描一個字元串以確定該字元串是否包含空白字元。
- Variable names must not contain white space characters or quotation marks. 變數名不能包含空格字元。
- White space characters include carriage returns,line feeds,spaces,and tabs. 空格字元包括回車、換行,空格以及製表符。
- Any leading or trailing white space characters will be removed from each field,element or attribute. 任何前導或後繼的空格字元將會從每個欄位、元素和屬性中刪除。
- Because HTML reduces multiple, consecutive white space characters to a single white space. 因為HTML會縮減倍數,連續的空格字元會被減少為一個空格符。
- You can set the value to be one of the four recognized XML white space characters: space, tab, CR, or LF. 可以將該值設置為四個可識別的XML空白字元之一:空格、製表符、回車或換行。
- Any leading or trailing white space characters will be removed from each field, element or attribute. 任何前導或後繼的空格字元將會從每個欄位、元素和屬性中刪除。
- White space characters include carriage returns, line feeds, spaces, and tabs. 空格字元包括回車、換行,空格以及製表符。
- To specify how white space characters should be handled, we would use the whiteSpace constraint. [為了能夠輸入空白字元,我們將用到空白字元約束.
- Any text nodes preceding the first element child of the root node of the result tree contain only white space characters. 結果樹中根節點的第一個元素子級之前的任何文本節點只包含空白字元。
- The computer screen is black with standard white text. 電腦屏幕變為標準的黑底白字。
- Contains or starts with a space character. 含有空格或以空格開頭。
- Value starts or ends with a space character. value以空白字元開頭或結尾。
- White space is significant in the string value. 空白在字元串值中是有效的。
- Writes out the given white space. 寫出給定的空白。