- Seeing himself in the spherical mirror, he roared with laughter. 面對著球面鏡里的自己,他哈哈大笑起來。
- Some important theoretical issues of catadioptric omnidirectional systems for the spherical mirror are researched. 摘要對球面鏡折反射全向視覺系統的某些理論問題進行了研究。
- It is computer-controlled polishing technology, using it the authors can polish a deep aspherical mirror just like polish a spherical mirror. 這是一種用計算機控制的磨鏡技術,通過它可以像加工球面一樣來加工一個深度的非球面。
- The codi-tion of anastigmatism elimination for output branch of spherical mirror folded cavities is calculated by means of the transformation circle diagram. 藉助變換圖作圖法計算了球面鏡折迭腔輸出臂中消象散的條件。
- Rod ends consist of an eye-shaped head with integral shank which forms a housing for a standard spherical plain bearing. 桿端關節軸承由帶有整體式柱螺栓的孔狀頭組成,構成一個標準帶座球面滑動軸承。
- spectral mirror spherical mirror 球面鏡
- A new type nonplanar ring laser, which consists of only two spherical mirrors, was presented and analyzed. 摘要對新型雙鏡非平面環行激光器進行了詳細的理論分析。
- The cassegrainian telescope system with spherical mirrors used as transmitting and receiving antenna for CO_2 lasercom are reported in this paper. 國外有關10.;6微米CO_2激光通信實驗系統均採用非球面光學天線;如文獻[1、2]等。
- If we can rule out fairly large blown-glass spherical mirrors, that would seem to leave only small polished metal mirrors, which were known in the 15th century and indeed earlier. 如果排除掉大型玻璃球鏡的可能性,就剩下較小的金屬磨光鏡;而這種鏡子的確在15世紀或更早之前就已經存在。
- The reflex of the spherical mirror and formation of image 球面鏡的反射和成像
- Measuring Accuracy of the Fizeau Spherical Mirror Interferometer 菲索型球面干涉儀測試精度分析
- confocal concave spherical mirror cavity F-P interferometer 共焦球面F-P干涉儀
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓詞有固定的格式。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 這是有關這個問題的權威著作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商標局)會寄給你標準表格要你填寫。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那個國家好久之前就放棄金本位制了。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 這樣的物價與我們的生活水準相符。
- A can like this is considered below standard. 這樣的罐頭認為是不合格的。
- Their work is not up to standard. 他們的工作成績不夠標準。