- Date data is written to the file using the standard short date format recognized by your system. 日期數據以系統能夠識別的標準短日期格式寫入文件。
- Begin with a short body scan (see page 1) by attending mindfully to the sensations of the body. 開始時通過留意身體的感覺做簡短的身體掃描(見痊癒身心的覺察1)。
- A toy dog, intelligent, alert, sturdy, with a thickset, short body, a smart carriage and set-up, attracting attention by an almost human expression. 這是一種聰明、警惕而且強壯的玩具犬,身材粗短、矮小、身手敏捷。具有引人注意的類似人類的面貌。
- The short body and large front wheel steering angle so that the Book-ya very flexible, very accurate point to the front, even the novice can stop anything, in one step. 短小的車身和較大的前輪轉向角度使雅力士十分靈活,車頭指向非常準確,即使是新手停車也可以不費吹灰之力,一步到位。
- But in the tailstock tendency, the short body design causes driving not to be able to feel nearly tailstock's burden, presents not the loathsome four rounds in the curve the tendency. 而車尾動態上,短促的車身設計使駕駛幾乎感覺不到車尾的負擔,在彎道內呈現不拖泥帶水的四輪動態。
- The 737-500 uses the 737-300 basic structure with a 94 inches shorter body and a revised forward and aft fairing (wing to body). 500使用了737-300的基本結構,機身短了94英寸,並且修改了前後整流罩(機翼到機體)。
- Moreover, each species had fewer individuals and short bodies, and the distribution pattern of Caragana korshinski belonged to clumped type. 各物種個體數量少,植株矮小,主要呈現集群分佈格局;
- In all experiments the body of females is longer than males, and when parasitizing in rice weevil in maize, the parasitoids has the shortest body length in both male and female. 同時,在4個系統中,均以寄生小麥中的米象或玉米象時,其子代長翅型個體數量明顯大於寄生玉米中的米象或玉米象的。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓詞有固定的格式。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 這是有關這個問題的權威著作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商標局)會寄給你標準表格要你填寫。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那個國家好久之前就放棄金本位制了。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 這樣的物價與我們的生活水準相符。
- A can like this is considered below standard. 這樣的罐頭認為是不合格的。
- Rubber Tee High grade rubber construction and standard holl... 高質橡膠材料,韌性強,專業穿孔設計,不易折斷。
- Rubber Tee High grade rubber construction and standard hollo... 高質橡膠材料,韌性強,專業穿孔設計,不易折斷。
- Their work is not up to standard. 他們的工作成績不夠標準。
- This is the standard textbook on the subject. 這是這一科的權威性課本。
- Goods are packed in standard export packing. 貨物按標準出口方式包裝。
- Cargo survey and find below standard filing claim. 貨品檢驗后發現不合標準,故請求索賠。