- Based on ORL face image database,experimental results illustrate that t... ORL人臉圖像資料庫模擬實驗表明,該方法對錶情、姿態變化具有很好的魯棒性。
- Allows standard image editing such as cropping, resizing, and a little drawing. 允許編輯的標準的諸如收穫,改變大小,和小的素描學的形象。
- Under the same experimental conditions, an iris image database is used Matlab6.5 to preprocess. 在完全相同的實驗條件下;運用Matlab6.;5軟體對由虹膜圖像組成的虹膜資料庫進行預處理。
- Gizmo Drive also supports a number of standard image formats including: ISO, VHD, BIN, IMG, NRG, CCD, MDS, and MDF. 通過無縫加密你的位於一個虛擬硬槃驅動器上的數據來保護你的重要文件不被間諜軟體所竊取。
- To the given video sequence, the system can retrieve face image from big face image database on time. 該系統對於視頻序列和大容量的人臉資料庫能夠實時進行人臉圖像檢索。
- The experiment results on the ORL face image database demonstrate the competitiveness of the method proposed. 通過在ORL人臉庫上的實驗模擬和對比結果驗證了所提出方法的有效性。
- Rosenfeld,and their ilk do not fit the standard image of a hacker:the wealthy,suburban geek who trespasses on computers just for fun. 羅森費爾德和他的同黨看起來與一般的駭客形象不合,一般的駭客都是有錢,住在郊區的電腦玩家,侵入他人電腦只是為了好玩。
- An image recognition program trawls through the image database and recognises some faces and objects. 某圖片識別程序搜索整個圖片資料庫並識別面孔及對象。
- Use a thread to handle multiple files in bulk, this is my deal with the fingerprint image database used by the gadget. 用一個線程對多個文件進行批量處理,這是我處理指紋圖像資料庫時所用的小工具。
- A powerful brand symbol and a promise for brand name build up a perfect brand impression representing the high standard image of Natsun Garment in fashion industry. 一個強有力的品牌符號和品牌承諾建立起完整的品牌印象,代表著南山服飾在時尚產業上的高標準形象。
- JPEG A standard image compression algorithm designed for compressing either full-colour or grey-scale digital images. The JPEG file name extension is. Jpg or. Jpeg. 一個標準的圖像壓縮標準,為壓縮全彩色或黑白數字圖像而設計。它的文件後綴名為。
- Experimental results from CMU face image database show that the efficiency of this method is high and the detection speed is improved greatly. 在CMU資料庫上的實驗結果表明,該方法具有較高的人臉檢測率,檢測速度得到大幅提高。
- The feature is fed to SVM for classification. The Essex face image database is selected to evaluate the method of sex classification. 用Essex人臉圖像資料庫進行性別分類,取得了很好的分類效果。
- The message which requests the repair of image database is showed up in the rebooting procedure after abnormal termination. 該訊息是請修復的圖像資料庫是表明了,在重新開機后的程序異常終止。
- Density estimation technique and hill-climbing strategy are used to define and extract image database clusters and categorization. 然後採用密度估計技術和爬山策略,定義和提取圖像資料庫的聚類以及歸類。
- The standard image and bone tissue subtraction images compare the show rate of different segments of the rib fractures. 選取標準圖像和骨組織減影圖像,並比較兩圖像對肋骨不同節段骨折的顯示率。
- Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) has been one of most active researches in computer vision, image database, knowledge discovery and so on. 基於內容的圖像檢索(CBIR)是當前計算機視覺、圖像資料庫與知識挖掘等領域研究的熱點之一。
- And, there are the standard images duplicated on the fabrics employed with good colour reproduction. 由實驗結果顯示,經由色彩校正後即可在超微細纖維織物上獲得較佳的色彩複製效果。
- One of the most important issues in the content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is how to construct effective organization of image database to enhance image retrieval speed. 如何構建有效的圖像庫結構,提高圖像檢索速度是基於內容的圖像檢索所需要解決的關鍵問題之一。
- After analyzing query types in an image database syst em based on content retrieval, the object-oriented SQL language is expanded to express concept queries. 論文在分析基於內容檢索的圖像資料庫系統中查詢類型的基礎上,為支持基於圖像語義概念的查詢,擴充了面向對象的SQL語言,以有效地表達查詢中的概念;