- Please stand to one side, you're casting your shadow over his work. 請站到一邊,你的影子計劃遮住了他的活兒。
- He asked the crowd to stand to one side. 他要求人群靠一邊站。
- Saw a car opened up, they stand to one side. 看見一輛車開了過來,他們就站到一邊。
- Please stand to one side, you're casting your shadow over my work. 請站到一邊,你的影子把我的活兒遮住了。
- Please stand to one side,we need a lot of room to get by. 請往一邊站,我們得要好大的地方才能過去。
- Please stand to one side,you're casting your shadow over his work. 請站到一邊,你的影子遮住了他的活兒。
- Please stand to one side,you're casting your shadow over my work. 請站到一邊,你的影子把我的活兒遮住了。
- Please stand to one side,you're throwing your shade over my work. 請靠邊站,你擋住了我的光線。
- Please stand to one side, we need a lot of room to get by. 請往一邊站,我們得要好大的地方才能過去。
- Please stand to one side; you're casting your shadow over my work. 請你往邊上站一站, 你擋著我的光線了。
- How much do they stand to lose by this merger? 這次合併,他們要遭受多大損失?
- A soldier is expected to stand to his post whatever danger threatens him. 不管遇到什麼樣的險情,士兵都應該站好崗。
- Six to one is a good price for that horse. 那匹馬有六比一的賠率很不錯。
- Mo Kan-cheng stood to one side, his head drooping and his face deathly pale. 莫干丞站在一旁,垂著頭,臉是死白。
- The horse was running at odds of ten to one. 那匹馬參賽賠率是十比一。
- She couldn't stand to be told what to do. 她不容別人指使她。
- Trinket stood to one side, arms akimbo, thinking to himself: 'Here's your man! 韋小寶走到殿邊一站,雙手扠腰,心道:「老子就在這裡,你們放馬過來罷。」
- The odds are five to one on that horse. 那匹馬的賠率是五比一。
- Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health. 缺乏睡眠有害健康。
- If you meet your elders face to face on the pathway, greet them with cheerful respect. If your elders choose not to address you, humbly stand to one side. 走路時遇見尊長,要即刻迎上行禮問候;如果尊長一時還沒有說什麼,要退在一旁等侯指示。