- Staff corner of the screen to find a good position, such as squatting, for the first packagearound cleared, and then opened one and the rest were there to see T's shot on sight. 掩護人員找角落等有利位置蹲好,先對包周圍清場,然後一人拆包,其餘人看到有T的人影就開槍。
- So I think I'll stand one meter and twenty behind the service line. 我就站在發球線后一米二吧。
- Brown threw Lowery』s shot back like it was a stranger』s birthday cake. 布郎蓋掉了郎利的投籃,如同那是一個陌生人的生日蛋糕。
- He stands one metre and seventy. 他身高1.;7 米。
- Regarding what happened in the area with Budan』s shot, I didn』t touch it with my arm but with my back. 對於在禁區裡布丹的射門,我的手臂沒有碰到球,而是背。
- Within the stand one sample plot is laid down, often covering a large part of the stand. 在群落片段範圍內設置一個樣地,通常應佔據群落片段的大部。
- World champion Reese Hoffa relegated fellow American and world leader Adam Nelson to second place in the men』s shot put. 世界冠軍里瑟。胡法在男子鉛球的比賽中將美國和世界領先這亞當。尼爾森擠到了第二位。
- Forced by the grammar to take a stand one way or the other, hermaphrodite is male and indecisiveness female. 又因為語法所迫,總得在陰陽性中選一個歸屬,於是陰陽人是陽性的,而猶豫不決是陰性。
- Albert stood one moment speechless by the side of his mother's bed. 阿爾貝默默地站在母親的床邊。
- The only blessing for Wenger and Arsenal fans alike is that it looked like the penny might have dropped when Grant Leadbitter』s shot hit the back of the net yesterday. 給溫格和阿森納球迷們的唯一的祝福是,希望昨天當利德比德的射球掛網之時,對於阿森納來說就如丟了一分錢而已罷。
- The other two men stood one on each side supporting him. 還有兩個人分別站在他的兩旁扶持著他。
- Gasbarroni』s shot took on a strange trajectory, as often happens with Pirlo.Dida was taken by surprise.It is understandable, a keeper can make a mistake. 它依然是我們賽季的第三目標,舉起這個獎盃是一種快樂,特別是對於那些比賽機會相對較少的球員。」
- I was at an ice cream stand one day and in the window was a miniature red Radio Flyer wagon that could be won in a weekly drawing. 但是因為兒時的她相信生日願望如果說出來了就不靈了,因而從來就沒有收到這個禮物。
- Hed never stood one single time to prove the county wrong. 建置時間來證明永遠站在同一縣錯.
- The deer was peppered with shot all down one side. 那隻死鹿的半邊身子都被子彈擊中。
- On 20 minutes, Shevchenko had a good chance when he received the ball with his back to goal but the Ukrainian』s shot from the edge of the area lacked power and Gomes got down to gather. 第20分鐘,舍甫琴科獲得機會,他在禁區邊緣背身拿球轉身射門,但烏克蘭人踢出的皮球軟弱無力,戈麥斯倒地撲救將球沒收。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你願意當你弟弟的保證人嗎?
- The one-year-old boy cannot stand on one leg. 這1歲的小男孩還不會單腿站。
- He shot arrows one by one, but each missed. 他射了一箭又一箭,但都未射中。