- All David' s friends held him in high esteem. 大衛的朋友對他都很尊重。
- My father』s friend is very ebullient. 可事實上,學生是越禁越戀,且有蔓延之勢。
- So I think I'll stand one meter and twenty behind the service line. 我就站在發球線后一米二吧。
- Just then, one of Bill『s friends, yelled, 「 Does anyone know the Heimlich maneuver? 這時,比爾的一個朋友高聲問道,「有人會海姆利克氏操作法嗎?」
- One of Mom and Dad』s friends, Dr.Brauer, rescued some baby possums whose mother had been killed on the road. 父母的一位朋友,BRAUER 醫生,救活了幾隻失去父母的幼鼠。
- KOTORI'S FRIEND: For a high school junior, he's pretty reticent. That's one of the cool things about him. 作為一個高中生來說,他有點沉默寡言,不過這正是他酷的地方。
- One day, DJ's friend Chowder accidentally throws his basketball over on the man's lawn. 有一天,DJ的朋友巧達無意間把他的籃球丟到那個老頭的草坪上。
- He stands one metre and seventy. 他身高1.;7 米。
- For humanity, this is a difficult thing, so attached one has become to the particular body that one inhabits, along with one\'s friends and family. 對人類來說,這是一件艱難的事,你變得如此依附於你所棲息的特定身體以及你的朋友和家庭。
- M.L.』 s friend would go to a school for white children only and M. 然而,與獄吏交好也非輕而易舉之事,因為他們大都認為對黑人表示好感是不合常理的。
- Within the stand one sample plot is laid down, often covering a large part of the stand. 在群落片段範圍內設置一個樣地,通常應佔據群落片段的大部。
- "The story is not true," said a spokesman for Prince Charles, despite Paxman saying the story『s source is one of the royal heir『s friends. 儘管帕克斯曼表現事情是王儲的一位朋友泄漏的,但查爾斯的一名發言人說:「這個故事是虛構的。」
- Forced by the grammar to take a stand one way or the other, hermaphrodite is male and indecisiveness female. 又因為語法所迫,總得在陰陽性中選一個歸屬,於是陰陽人是陽性的,而猶豫不決是陰性。
- Albert stood one moment speechless by the side of his mother's bed. 阿爾貝默默地站在母親的床邊。
- Bulletins are announcements that go to everyone on a member』s friends』 list. 信息公告是一種通知函,會寄給每個在會員的親友名單上的人。
- The other two men stood one on each side supporting him. 還有兩個人分別站在他的兩旁扶持著他。
- I was at an ice cream stand one day and in the window was a miniature red Radio Flyer wagon that could be won in a weekly drawing. 但是因為兒時的她相信生日願望如果說出來了就不靈了,因而從來就沒有收到這個禮物。
- Sarah is Jane' s friend but she is jealous if Jane plays with other girls. 薩拉是簡的朋友,但是如果簡和別的女孩子一起玩時,她就很嫉妒。
- Hed never stood one single time to prove the county wrong. 建置時間來證明永遠站在同一縣錯.