- For a long while we had no news of him. 很長一段時間我們沒有他的消息。
- I haven't seen him for a long while. 我已經很久沒見到他了。
- For a long while we have no news of him. 很長一段時間我們沒有他的消息。
- We conversed for a long while on the phone. 我們在電話里聊了老半天。
- I stood for a long while watching the white dome against a flashing blue sky, with a very religious feeling. 我懷著一種極為虔敬的心情,久久地凝望這個映照在光輝的藍天之前的白色圓頂。
- For a long while he remained speechless. 他愣了半天沒說話。
- They haven't seen each other for a long while. 他們有很長時間沒見面了。
- Not a soul passed that way for a long while. 那條路上,許久沒再過一個人影兒。
- I haven't seen her for a long while. 我好久沒有看見她了。
- They sat there for a long while. 他們在那兒坐了半晌。
- She rounded her husband in the ear for a long while. 她悄悄地對丈夫耳語了很長時間。
- He rang the doorbell for a long while,but there was no answer. 他按了半天門鈴,但沒人答應。
- He stood still in front of the monument for a long while. 他佇立在紀念碑前。
- The injustices they did me rankled me for a long while. 對我他們幹了一些不公平合理的事,使我生了半天氣。
- They were quarreling for a long while and quietened down at last. 他們吵了半天,最後才安靜下來。
- Where have you been? I haven't seen you for a long while. 你到哪兒去了,我好久沒見到你了。
- We stood for a long time, hating the idea of our temporary. 我們站了很長時間,不願意短暫的分離。
- Twenty years stands for a long period in one's life. 二十年在人的一生里意味著一個很長的時期.
- The food was served, but he refused to eat for a long while. 飯菜都端上來了,可他半天不動口。
- I've been turning this over in my mind for a long while. 這件事在我腦子裡盤旋了好久。